
See "Our Favorite Games of 2015, Part One".

I like Divinity: Original Sin because it respects me. At one point, I find a note that mentions a buried treasure. One of my characters says, "It could be anywhere!" The other responds, "So we'll look everywhere. Did you expect it to be marked on your map?" A little bit of light-hearted humor in a game with quite a

It's weird that you say this. I saw them twice I think (I say I "think" because I'm not entirely certain they were at the festival in MA). Once at a big festival in MA after Sparkle and Fade, and once in Hartford at small-ish venue after Afterglow. While I wouldn't say they were "good", there was only ever 4 people on

Don't forget the end of Bill Maplewood's conversation with his son, when his son asks if he would do the same thing to him. Bill replies (not sure if this is the exact quote), "No…I would jerk off."

I will be having one those beef sandwiches at the deli in remembrance.

If that thing dies…goddammit, that thing's gonna die.

You're not alone. Watterson himself hates those stickers, and calls the people who sell them "thieves".

Ha! I got to the Alexanderite farming. Got about 40 of them, out of the needed 75, and just quit. I'd rather fish. Fishing is nice.

I haven't played The Witcher 3 yet, though I plan to, but my solution to this overwhelming mess of things to do in Skyrim was to roleplay, more or less. I had an idea of who my character was, and what kinds of things he would do and wouldn't do. He also never went out of the way just for completionist purposes. I may

Was Brotherhood where they introduced multiplayer? I had a lot of fun with that, but don't think I ever played the campaign.

How much like Mark of the Ninja is this? The screen grabs and description make it look similar, albeit less cartoon-y. Regardless, I'm excited to check this game out. I played the first two AC games, skipped the third, and stopped playing the fourth halfway through, but I still love the idea of being a badass hooded

John Lithgow was in 2 seasons? Are you talking flashback or did I miss something? I did pretty much skip season 6, but I thought Lithgow's only season was 4.

That's why I'm hoping I've got a little bit of a head start. I couldn't hang out underneath her so I hung back a little instead and just hit her hands when she slammed them down.


Yeah, it involves running to the top and making some precarious falls onto beams. They're nothing special, just things I didn't know were there even after plugging hundreds of hours into the game.

Is this supposed to be a response to a commenter? The author of the article said he plays with a PS4 controller on PC.

Have you ever played the multiplayer? It's just as fun and funny as single player…well, close anyway.

I would say Demon's Souls is my favorite for just that reason. I bought it on release day and was totally absorbed, so it was my "first love". I understand people who say Dark Souls is their favorite - it is the better game, I think - but it just doesn't give me that warm, gooey feeling Demon's Souls does.

A lot of the strategy for the Unseen Village includes running through groups of enemies without stopping.

I'll give my first go at Defiled Chalice Amygdala tonight. He's the boss whose regular version gave me the hardest time my first time through, but by my second character I burned through him first try. I eventually figured out (even though all the guides said otherwise) hanging out under his ass is not the right place