
Grats! And now that you mention it, I'm pretty sure the beer I started before I beat him started to taste better afterwards.

There's a Diarrhea Touchdown in FFXIV. I guess it kills immersion but also it's hilarious. For some reason, though, I think Tamriel is more effected by immersion loss than Eorzea (or whatever the world was called in XI.

There's an opening for a jump attack (forward+R2) right after the head swipe, as long as it's not a stab attack. I used the Kirkhammer 2-handed. You can actually stay a good distance away to bait the swipe, jump in and attack, then jump back. My mistake for a long time was actually being too close.

I've been teetering on the edge of getting the true ending with a 2nd character for a while now, but I'm addicted to the chalice dungeons right now. Grats on the win!

I already posted this, but I just beat that damn Watchdog last night. Keep plugging away!!

I remember during the beta seeing the imaginatively-named Bleeding Tampon and thinking, "Well, that's something I never saw in Skyrim." That said, I might check out the free weekend, myself, see if anything's improved.

I'm having the same dilemma now on whether I should buy the new expansion for FFXIV on PC or PS4. On the one hand, the PS4 version of the game looks and plays beautifully - especially compared to my outdated PC, which looks nice when nothing's moving but animation is choppy. I have a kb&m setup for my PS4 so I don't

The only random dungeons come from "root" chalices. Otherwise, they're pre-made, and have lore implications as well. It can certainly get a little samey, but it's not just fluff.

I'll continue plugging away at Bloodborne and FFXIV. I also, because I need to own everything Souls, picked up Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin, and while I've only played through about 15 minutes of it, I am extremely underwhelmed. I of course played through the original release and the DLC, but this iteration

The first paragraph sounds like it could be written by me. I did explore the chalice dungeons a little bit in my first playthrough, but in my second playthrough I just beat a boss I never even encountered the first time around and got a "Lower Pthumerian Chalice", so I guess I'm about to see what these things are

Only 5 years. 2010-now. BtDKYD was 2007.

I don't have any turbo buttons, but I always go into the final palace at max stats. Still can't do it :(

The Legend of Zelda: The Adventure of Link is my white whale. Every year or so, I'll turn it on - first on the NES, now on the Wii - work my way to Thunderbird, die a lot of times, and then turn to something else. I do love playing the game, but I can't even make it to the final boss. That I've never seen Dark Link is

I think I yelled, "Why did anyone think this would be fun?!" at the screen while fighting those spiders in Cainhurst. But you're right, the level was much simpler after that.

One of my favorite features of this game not present in the Souls games (besides the atmosphere - I didn't realize how tired the fantasy trappings were until I walked through the streets of Yarnham) is that the boss fights just sort of happen. After a while, you kind of get a feel for when something huge is going to

It might the "popular" song, but it's the song that played as my wife and I left the alter when the JP said "I now pronounce you man and wife." Just the intro since the lyrics don't exactly scream "marriage and happiness", but that song will always have a special meaning for me.

Tough choice, and people have listed some good ones, but I'll add "Christmas Unicorn" to the list. "Casimir Pulaski Day" and "Seven Swans" are up there as well (the latter he opened with when I saw him after Age of Adz was released - perfect), but they have enough mentions.

I do kind of wish they'd let me refill my HP by just touching a lamp. Sure, bring back all the beasts like they did in the Souls game, but don't make me face two load screens just to get my health back.

I'd say the copies sold tell a more complete story than a small, though loud, angry fanbase. People feel connected to Final Fantasy in ways they never (at least not anytime soon) will feel connected to Call of Duty. Beyond a stronger focus on story and character, Final Fantasy has been a part of a lot of people's

Towards the end of Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (the game that had you moving through timelines somehow), I reached a glitch where, as I was making my way up - or maybe down - a building's inside walls, I reached a glitch in which the game reset time periods and I was running up or down a previous version of the