
Yeah, I tried to make that first jump with the L3 button as it's originally mapped. Didn't even come close to the right direction. I'm surprised Steve touts the change as making the game easier. I switched it right back.

What am I playing this weekend? This.

"You’re never going to play those. Just throw them in the trash…Yeah, but Dark Souls was the hot hotness. Final Fantasy Tactics has been around for a while. I bet you’re going to end up playing Nidhogg or something all weekend." Preach on, Teti. Probably true whoever you're talking to.

Last week I got the flu. I took Tuesday and Wednesday off, then school was cancelled Thursday and Friday due to snow, and Monday was a scheduled day off. This means I had 7 days off, mostly of sick-induced lounging. It was, in short, the perfect time to pick up Dark Souls again. I finally made it through a playthrough

Is this just something I'm seeing, or did Disqus really just throw in this comment as its own, in reply to nothing…because it is a reply.

Speaking of that shortcut, I think I played for hours afterwards, getting killed by the boar quite a few times before I finally looked up a guide and found out I was missing the ladder.

When I talk to gamers who haven't played, it's usually more of a disappointment I feel, not superiority. Almost like I feel like I failed them by not helping them appreciate it enough.

I remember the quest, but not that. Either I just had a recent save and it didn't bother me, or it was some kind of - also mandatory in Elder Scrolls games - glitch.

Oh, and I'll finally get to play Descent: 2nd Edition again. My bro and some friends are coming up for a board game day, so really looking forward to that. I have dreams about that game.

So after you killed him, did the dragon kill you immediately afterwards and force you to lose all your souls anyway?

I've had a similar experience with 2 games. The first is Morrowind, which I played on the Xbox. I heard nothing but great things about it, so I bought it. I think I started playing it 5 or 6 times before something finally clicked, and all of a sudden I couldn't get away. Similarly to Dark Souls, which I never had this

I just added something to the list of games I'll be playing this weekend!

Holy shit, you played a good portion of that game with a keyboard and mouse?

Usually I'll play physical copies of games. Although I could tell the same story about Contact as Teti. I bought it before a trip to Mexico a couple years ago, played a lot on the plane, and haven't picked it up since then. Not because I wasn't interested, but just because I had other things.

Adventures of Lolo 2 seems like a pretty fucked up game.

I wonder how many board meetings and pros/cons lists they made to discuss the change, and what the deciding factor was.

And that's how to advertise the true classic gaming experience, free from Turnerization.

So should I buy it and not play it until the final act comes out? I didn't help fund this at all (I did help fund Project Eternity, so crossing my fingers there), so I don't have access to it yet, but it seems worthy. And if I'm understanding this right, buying the game now helps fund the final act?

I said I might be done with it but while I was playing that was pretty much the only game I was playing, and for hours and hours at a time. I don't think enough can be said about their "buy the game and it's yours" model. I love completing long games, and I always pretend I'm going to go through and get all the

Desktop Dungeons might fit your schedule, too. Good enough for marathon play but easy to play in short bursts.