
Didn't mean to worry you by mentioning the downvote. More flabbergasted than anything else.

I got to play it, too, and I spent most of Sunday, like 10 hours, doing so. It was definitely fun, and, like @CNightwing:disqus, I preferred the art-style to the more cartoon-y MMOs. And it does at least play mostly like Skyrim, but the biggest problem I have with it is that it's not enough like Skyrim. I know it's an

I'm also not a XIII hater. It's a little disappointing I guess, especially since it's numerically after my favorite of the series, but I really enjoy the quick pace and strategic thinking of the combat. One thing the game does that other Final Fantasies don't is stop your characters from getting too powerful for the

Oh I know, and I don't really think of myself as selfish, but it can be hard to remember that when you have parents and in-laws asking for grandkids - luckily my parents already have a few of those, not so lucky with the in-laws. And I also have a job working with teenagers, so it's not an "I hate kids" thing, either.

Yout can also get Contrast for free with PS+ (at least you could a few weeks ago), which can be fun for a little while.

I had the same reaction to Xenoblade. I loved playing it, and spent at least twenty hours doing so, then I stopped playing at some point and really haven't had any urge to go back.

I forgot I started playing Bioshock Infinite a little while ago. I got pretty far, and really liked it, but then I just forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder!

Maybe this sounds bad, but Ellie's thoughts provide a strong reason why I'm leaning towards not having children at the moment (we might change our minds at some point). I rather enjoy being able to play my own games in the afternoon, and listening to and watching what I feel like listening to and watching. Selfish?

I'm pretty sure every game of Arkham ever played has been played by people missing crucial rules. I know I keep finding them. There's just so many! I'm wondering, in your case, if you're also sealing the gates by using 5 clue tokens immediately after you close them. The six gates only count if they're sealed;

I actually played a twenty minute game once. There were two of us - my wife and me - and the Mythos cards were always the same two locations for some reason. Once we shut both the gates, game was over. Beyond that, there have a couple times we've been able to seal 6 gates before the Old One comes out.

I do own Elder Sign: Omens on Android, as well as all the expansions. It might be the best money I've spent on a phone app. The game I think is $4 and the expansions $2 each, but it's well worth it. If it's anything the physical game, there are some comparisons to Arkham Horror, like investigators and elder signs,

There's an ios app you can buy ($3 I think) that keeps track of everything for you. I think the idea is that all you'll need is the dice, but I'm not sure exactly. Everyone playing might need a copy, too. I have an Anroid and there's a fee app that contains all the event cards, both dimensional and locations, and it

Arkham Horror says you can play solo. That's pretty much how I learned the game. The first few times I played, I played solo, though I can't remember if I could play with only one hero or needed two. It was an excellent way learn the game, and I had fun on my own, but I don't think I'd be able to play that way again,

I don't know if you've played yet, but the one thing I'd recommend is to first click the "Tutorial" tab in the upper right of the character select screen. It's very short, but helps a lot with figuring a few things out. I wouldn't mention it but it seems like people miss that it's even there.

Still early in the game. Steam says 7 hours, but I leave it on sometimes so that might not be too accurate. I've unlocked elves, dwarves, halflings and gnomes, but haven't built anything to level two yet. I also spent a while going on random runs because I couldn't figure how to store more money.

The Great Fire of London sounds right up my alley. Just wish-listed it on Amazon so I don't forget it. Thanks for the recommedations.

There's a kind of convoluted method of bringing Kalameet to the ground so you can fight him. I'd say more, but I don't remember everything. It's not that he's tough to fight, at least I didn't think so, but it really takes a while to bring his life down, and you have to pick and choose when to attack, which is rarely.

I've been trying to get friends and family, serious gamers, into Tales of Maj'Eyal. The primitive graphics and messily-presented weapon stats scare them away, plus it's a bit difficult to jump into, and none of them have taken the extra time to really get anything out of the game, and it kind of makes me sad. I mean,

Will it still work now that I know the game is testing me?

I know this isn't exactly a glowing review, but I'd never heard about this game until I read it and it seems like something I could get into. I have to admit I get a little nervous whenever I hear stories about how mobile is "taking over". Just this morning I heard heard Intel, which missed the cell phone/tablet game