
I must have not known there was a level editor, because I don't remember ever designing a level for that game, which I almost certainly would have done at that age.

Thanks for reminding me of Heart of Darkness. I think I tried to play that game 5 or 6 times before I finally figured it out. Then I couldn't stop playing.

I didn't have a SNES in the house. Luckily, my friend was kind enough to loan me both his copy of FFIII and his SNES after he beat it. I don't associate the game with the holidays, but that game was everything I thought a game should be…and still is.

I saw that Rogue Legacy updated, but I just figured it was some kind of bug fix. Is there actually new content?

One Christmas, don't remember the year, was the Christmas my brother, sister and I walked downstairs to a nice new (maybe used actually) Apple IIe. On that system, I would, in the future, play such games as Loderunner, Wishmaster, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Where in the [place] is Carmen Sandiego?, Mario Bros.,

It made the staff list. You can still be cool.

I never owned my own Gamecube, but a friend had one, and I think Double Dash is the best iteration of Mario Kart. Just a lot of fun.

The Last of Us was better all around, maybe even in its depiction of a female protagonist. That was already mentioned, though, so I wanted to write about something else.

That Cookie Clicker game, if I'm thinking of the right game, is a nightmare for teachers. Kids literally play that game with their hands in the pockets.

Yeah! Why do people have opinions about stuff? Don't they know that even if we don't care, we are still forced to read it anyway?

I liked Tomb Raider because it told a real story about a woman. Say what you will about the clothes she wears or the torture porn-ish nature of some of the deaths, Lara herself was fully drawn and dynamic. More importantly, her story didn't require romance. While there was a brief interlude of a crew member with a

Picked up Bioshock Infinite and Stealth Bastard Deluxe. I had to look up my recent activity to figure out that I bought SBD, during which time I also figured out that I recently picked up The Void and the Arma 2 collection. What is wrong with me?

Sooooo, I'm sure you've announced it before, but what are you teaching? Just curious, as a high school English teacher myself.

To chime in, I have to say I've never really understood the hate for VIII. While it's certainly no IX (which, like @paraclete_pizza:disqus, is my favorite) I loved playing it on the PS, and even got pretty deep into the game recently, as DL on my PS3. I guess you should wait until there's a sale, but I'm an FFVIII

I don't have a 3DS, so won't be able to play this game unless I get one, which is unfortunate.

I'd change that to "parents on the fence to psychologically justify their purchasing one for their child." Don't know if you agree or not, but if you can buy your own game console, these things aren't the things that will make that decision. But they may just be able to convince your parents that it's not just for

I had a Netgear router that had a blue, circular light on top that spun. When the room was dark, it looked like some kind of disco rave. As far as I could tell, the only point of this was to make the room look like a disco rave whenever your router was plugged in. It even came a sticker you could use to cover it up. I

I know we can't pass judgement in the so-called "Console Wars" (are those still happening?) since the Xbox One hasn't been released yet, but goddamn am I sick of those commercials for the new Xbox that show people skyping each other and then watching a movie, because that's what people are looking for in a console.

As much as gamers don't want to hear that a feature of a new console is that you can navigate start menus easier (we'd rather hear about graphics and gameplay), I have to say that it's incredibly noticeable and welcome on the PS4. One of my best examples of this is the ability to enter the menu and return to the game