
I wonder how many people have spent weeks working on some puppet only have their girlfriend find it early and be all like, "What is that?" And then it's ruined.

Well, she shouldn't!

Okay, I can see that, and I'll admit I forgot about Draper and Solo. Both of them, though (Abed) were actually hitting on her, whereas the Dean was just being macho. But I find it an oversimplification of Annie's character to show she immediately falls for a guy who she's seen, on numerous occasions, be the exact

I almost turned this one off early on. I was convinced it was an example of, "Hey! This is maybe something Dan Harmon would do!" Glad I didn't, though, as it turned out to be one of my favorites of this season. Even though I know Britta and Troy never really got a chance to develop as a couple before we were supposed

Next 10,000+ comments on an article from 2007?

While I've enjoyed this season (though not as much as the previous three), this is the first episode that felt natural, like the writers were trying to make their own show rather than someone else's. The sweetness at the end of other episodes seemed forced, but this one didn't, despite it being in a text message.

So far, Jeff has been really standout character this season. I know that's not exactly a leap to say, since he's billed as the star, but in a season that's struggling, I've been really impressed with McHale. I was actually surprised to see that you refer to his and Pierce's story as the "C-story", but I guess you're

Is there really someone named John McClane Butler?

Late to the game here, but you touched on a part of the episode that I feel should have had more implications than it will (probably) end up having: Hershel and Milton laughing together, and Daryl and the Governor's henchman (I forget his name) hitting it off, too. You mention in the review how this shows that any war

Man, that screen grab of Ariel is very Liefeld-ian.

How ya gonna write "PHRASING" in the stray observations and not follow it up with, "BOOM"?

I like to read the Munchkin cards, but the game gets quickly boring. It's fun for a go or two, but I can't play it anymore.

Seconded on book 6. I don't even think I made it all the way through that one.

It's kind of scary that, to you, sexism is saying words like "tits" and "twat" in any context, even when it's obviously a critique on the mindset of someone who writes a movie like Piranha 3DD, but hitting a woman with a beer bottle is a reasonable (and hilarious) response to being cheated on.

It's kind of scary that, to you, sexism is saying words like "tits" and "twat" in any context, even when it's obviously a critique on the mindset of someone who writes a movie like Piranha 3DD, but hitting a woman with a beer bottle is a reasonable (and hilarious) response to being cheated on.

Yeah, I'm in it for the long haul, unless there's aliens in Season 8 Episode 1…actually, that might be awesome. I'm in it for the long haul even if there's aliens.

Yeah, I'm in it for the long haul, unless there's aliens in Season 8 Episode 1…actually, that might be awesome. I'm in it for the long haul even if there's aliens.

I know it's beating a dead horse, but the whole Quinn storyline was such an enormous waste of time. I at least thought Quinn would end up dead or something (or in jail!), but instead he just gets dumped and set up to nail another hottie. I've heard of story-padding (something Dexter has always been guilty of), but

I know it's beating a dead horse, but the whole Quinn storyline was such an enormous waste of time. I at least thought Quinn would end up dead or something (or in jail!), but instead he just gets dumped and set up to nail another hottie. I've heard of story-padding (something Dexter has always been guilty of), but

I'll admit I was surprised when I saw Jennifer Lawrence's pic associated with this article, but her "appalling" behavior (basically that she's young) didn't equal up to what I thought might make me have a different view of her. Pretty tame, and I can go on admiring her.