Nicholas Trevino

I have a message. Frank Underwood’s plane was shot down over the sea of Japan. It spun in ... there were no survivors.

Wait I don’t get it, does this mean that CEO John Schnatter can’t eat his own company’s pizza? If so good for him.

This should probably be filed under “Bad Job internet”, not GREAT JOB INTERNET .

Oh man, if I were him, I would have put the roaring bear a few inches lower so it’d look like his nipple was coming out of a roaring bear’s mouth.

Sweet Dixie Kitchen should have used in bucket citations.

Given how serious this is, I don’t think Rife’s well intended opening joke about how breasts being attached to the human body landed particularly well.

If this Jack Ryan Movie doesn’t have a scene where Jim sticks some terrorist’s stapler in Jello than they really might have miscast this movie.

You’re not in the grey right now!

I still miss this.

I’m not sure why someone would try to criticize one medium (a tv series) by exclusively using another (movies). Especially when there are a few Comedy live action Sci Fi shows like Red Dwarf.

Maniac is a new Netflix show premiering tomorrow (sep 1) starring Emma Stone & Jonah Hill, yet I can find no promotional materials about it. Not even a Trailer...

Isn’t lord of the flies about systemic male violence and how it replicates? I feel like the director *may* not have read the book...

It’s almost sad that the nicest article written about the New Inhumans show is a joke.

He looks like he’s grabbing his own imaginary boobs in the photo.

The first line of the email already starts out in delusion.

Maybe. Being a curry eater would explain why all of his days end in a Tums festival.  

It’s her saying she’s comfortable in her body even after all of the misogynistic comments she’s received about it after this recent kerfuffle. 

I’m going to hate the Kinja switch until it’s not cool to hate it anymore, and then I’m going to pretend I’ve always liked it.

Every time I click on an AV club link now, when Kinja pops up my first reaction is I went to the wrong site.

The tone of the Trailer doesn’t match Marc Maron’s comedy at all.