
no shit. really?
so… at some point there were only 3 droid-minds because the 4th left for the Death Star? or when the rebels slaughtered all those plumbers and electricians somewhere 88 suddenly felt part of itself die?

can i join too?

i don't get it?

so then DC isn't going the Marvel route and connecting movies and tv then?

damn you.. what's the earworm equivalent for nonexistent songs? a Ceti eel?

so… Jeff is deadshot?

it's called peacocking.

possible… but if there are Wesen prostitutes there are also Wesen Johns so there's no reason not to suspect that the killer is one of the more feared Wesen.
i actually think that by being Wesen she's aware of a longer list of dangers than a human sex worker that works on the streets.
expanding on the problems of

i bet Eisbibers run the best daycares

whatever letter comes before A, i feel like they're often using that plan

loved that skull bit

this being tv means probably little nuance, and i'm really not trying to judge the second murder victim's career as a sex worker.. but it was odd that the very day she finds her best friend slashed open by a John she's so cavalier with her safety, right?
tv sex workers are usually the down-on-their-luck, addicts,

Nick has the shittiest people skills when interacting with victims, and victims' family members. the. shittiest.

wait a .. did you know that Sean Hayes is a producer on this show? i just saw his name flash by on the screen..

lots of montage scenes of Kelly showing Trubel generic martial arts moves in a field surrounded by trees, while Diana floats in the air watching them and imitating.

maybe a webseries spin-off? a multi-cam sitcom?

yeah, why did Renard go to Adalind to poison Aunt Marie?

and this puts Bud in a lot more danger too.

as long as when Nick makes that joke in the middle of a very tense moment, (say.. they're being tied up in the shallows of a secluded lake while the Wesen spawn all over them, providing their young with eventual nourishment), Monroe gets to correct Nick:

i don't understand the League of Assassins. at. all.
do they actually assassinate? like people, governments, corporations hire them? or is it more like his little lesson in etymology and flawed history based on Medieval European racism; the live apart from society? and do what then?