
i didn't realize it, but i had actually skipped the last… 3? including this one.. or like 2 and a half.. i turned it off when Capt. Lance was being his most dickish self tearing apart the ArrowBasement.. to catch up to the end of this episode took me HOURS of getting frustrated and pausing it to do something else..

5. The Neutral Zone?

you mean The Flash, right?

is this the message board you're referring too?

that means… Nyssa is Bernie Sanders?

and he knows next to nothing about them or their ways.. hopefully Ra's has a transition period scheduled before he retires.

hey. pretty sure that was implied.

that priestess was so Raven

doesn't tell Iris where's he going, or why.

what about movie/tv sex scenes where a guy's pants stay on?
so we're to assume that his undercarriage is being scratched by the open zipper?

fuck. quentin. lance.

really? hmmm.. i actually thought that Wells was acting a little more suspicious (suspiciated?) as Barry became more transparent in his levels of discomfort..

so THAT'S how Yahoo makes its money!

you sound lik someone i'd like to touch soles with.

i find that even when un-"happy", Vonnegut is oddly comforting.. but Sirens seemed especially depresso.

it's really good.

those books were fantastic. she is a national treasure.

the puppet?

we're often hardest on the ones we love

or Barry's dad adopt's Iris to hopefully make their whole situation so icky and confusing; preventing their incestuous union.