
it's been a while, but i think that temporal paradox is based on a.. simpler model of the universe/space-time than we probably live in?

you had me at vibrating

Iris Allen-West

you mean BogBodyWells?

it DOES look like an H

from… below? Hulk dig?

technically it's more of a cylinder.

i don't know.. they'd have to be willing to cover the extra for stunt pay


Beast….. that was such a….

even out in the middle of nowhere, it always felt too exposed to me.. especially with Nick & Co. being constant targets, and Wesen's love for running through the forest.. did they ever suggest any measures to avoid being followed to the trailer?

no, not that she'd actually do it. or that the writers would go there. but it was in the back of my mind, and i've worried about that trailer since Nick first moved it to the first location.

that's how i'm looking at it..

blinded by radioactive watermelon.

My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive. When I was a child I saw my mother killed by something impossible. My father went to prison for her murder. Then an accident made me the impossible. To the outside world, I'm an ordinary forensic scientist, but secretly I use my speed to fight crime and find

i knew i was going to regret that one.
i meant that if she did a crappy enough job, the grand jury wouldn't indict.

my disappointment is that it's more often than not treated as something unheard of. shows can be unbearable when everyone is forced to be an expert/genius in everything..

hmm… it seems that tv is written for an audience, looking down at some iphone game, that is assumed to be ignorant and/or unwilling/incapable of learning about knew "difficult" subjects.

you take that back. TNG technobabble is probably my favourite kind of babble.
even when totally and completely bullshit, there always seemed to be some basis in their laws of physics. not saying they were always consistent.. but they did have rules..

crap. yeah, i didn't mean to say i was annoyed that they brought it up, or tried to use it as a way to explain a superpower…