
i wonder if Tom, Dick, or Harry know anything about the Rastafari movement beyond bob marley & weed..

quantum entanglement.
really? not even in passing?

thankfully i accidentally saw the picture of this article before i got to the end of watching it.. so i had time to mentally prepare myself for it..

i wonder if Abed would like Grimm..

yeah, botching it.

i'm trying to view her acceptance of the change as not being completely consensual.. even though they're not that.

Hexenbiest oxytocin is incredibly powerful.

yeah, this is like 95% Nick's fault.
or maybe like 75%, where the other 25% is divvied up between the other keyholders.

I, like Charlemagne, conquer.

i bet that would smell fantastic

and then there are the many, many cases of the rapist suing for visitation rights.

In a sense, there's probably some good in the fact that Nick now has a
chance to start from scratch. He can sit down with everyone on the show
and start to put together more rational version of what was lost. With
backups this time.

that's a really great point about the generally awful history of the Grimms..
but now there are fewer sources detailing that awful history.

plus, even Wesen need a subject matter for spooky campfire tales while they eat their rabbit s'mores.

this has been my #1 worry for the entire series.. always leaving the trailer exposed.. fuck..
part of me is impressed with the gutsy move.. but the much larger, aspiring hoarder, part of me, is super pissed. even hiding it in the woods all this time seemed really careless to me. couldn't they have found an old

nipples are unique.. like finger prints, or snowflakes, or colonic maps


There's a baby in there, huh?

was the charter school reference odd?