
darkest timeline joke

yikes.. i didn't know about that either..

i thought he was a boom operator?

she was on The Nightly Show last night (Tuesday) and talked about it a little bit.. it didn't sound like she was doing it for titillation.. i think she was starting to say something about how 18 might be too young for age of majority (maybe something about the developing teenage brain?).. it was hard to get a real

on the rocks?

i am really starting the doubt the journalistic integrity of out late night talkshow hosts.

did Barry leave the murderknife next to his father?

i've never been a fan of the "wiped from existence" time travel trope.. it always feels inconsistently applied.. and/or in order to get what you want to happen in the story the writers have to decide where the cutoff is for parodox's effect.

i think the key here is that Caitlin is huge keener. if Cisco or Ronnie or Wells or her college roommate was reading something or working on something she'd probably find herself interested in it and want to learn more about it.

you also realize that seemingly every college physics department desperately wants to attract students and appear interesting so will find a way to shoehorn any and all of the physics buzzwords imaginable to appear more attractive.

that is.. perfect.

and how was he supposed to get back the present exactly?
was there a floating wormhole left in youngBarry's room? maybe i missed that.

do you find that Tom Cavanagh looks kind of odd in the Reverse Flash suit? like he wasn't able to tailor it to fit Wells' body after the Thawne—>Wells transformation. it reminds me of the one time i went surfing and the wetsuit i rented was too big for me.

it also bugged me that Shawna/Peek-a-Boo was somehow assumed to be on the same level as the others. breaking your bf out of jail and grand larceny doesn't seem sufficient for a blacksite. i don't remember her committing any violent crimes.. as her attack against Caitlin could easily be argued in court as self-defense..

"We the jury find the defendant guilty on all counts and recommend the sentence of remotely operated brain grenade."

but it wasn't Juliette.
if this were a non-fantasy police procedural, Juliette would have a brain tumor putting pressure on the something-complex of her brain, or maybe she caught some rare infection treating an animal at the zoo.. and we're not in Texas where they seem to delight in executing the diminishly capacitive.

i take it you're not friends with many crust punks..

a Wesen that eats only buttons

After getting the detailed Nielsen breakdown, the producers realize there was a noticeable drop in viewers immediately after cutting away from Renard shirtless.
Starting next season the writing staff's dedicated researcher is tasked with compiling a list of all known low viscosity red culinary fluids.

i wouldn't have minded if they had thrown in a couple Ha'la'tha tattoos