
HBO Soon?

here's a little tip.. in order to speed up the brain-ripening process.. put them in a plastic bag with a banana or two and tie off the end.

oh shit.. interesting.. interesting..

do you think Ray is more of a Ross or a Chandler?

Shoot on sight.

he'll have to resign as CIO of Palmer Technologies

i wonder if he'll bring his Starfox inspired engineering skills he used on his suit to designing new booby traps and smoke bombs? for the League.

wouldn't it be a white outfit?


this year for fathers' day i hope Laurel gets Papa Lance an impeccably wrapped box of human shit.

i've never considered myself a violent person.. but for whatever reason Zachary Knighton's face seems like an ideal to store all these extra punches i have lying around here..

i guess i felt that even though she wasn't really jealous.. it made it feel even cheaper..

"We could just talk… I think Charlie Rose is on.. "

implied pending sexy-times?

if Nick Jr. woge's in front of a mirror does he freak himself out by seeing his half-Zauber face through his black empty Grimm eyes?

the extra humidity makes their fur softer and more manageable?

last scene of the season.. Trubel and.. other guy burst into the spice shop where everyone is gathered..
other guy: *gasp* The *gasp* key! *gasp*…

Renard: That purse-snatcher is getting away in that taxi!
Juliette: *car explodes*

considering that the show didn't seem to have a problem with Adalind wanting to sell her last baby… what do you think the chances are that the show will even momentarily suggest termination as an option?