
i want a buddy cop episode where Juliette and Renard team up to take down an illegal Hundjäger fighting ring..

(i've never figured out how to have another user's name link in comments.. but this should alert our reviewer Les Chappell)

at what point did you know that Stacy = Linus?
when Nick mentioned snails and slugs, and then Hank read that part in the Grimm-book about a tapeworm (or flatworm?) it was pretty clear.. and all the acrobatics over how the earings got into the jacket..
at some point i'll stop saying this.. but i'm almost indifferent to

oh… no.. i must've read the invitation wrong..

so Ray's solution to vigilantism is to… become a vigilante?

maybe that means that Arrow can give Iris some purpose..


it's nice to give the wig department some time off

wait… there's a Ray and a Roy?

don't forget that he keeps his First Aid training up to date, is fluent in American Sign Language, and is conversationally proficient in Spanish Sign Language.

Eric couldn't even name the correct model in his review..

oh wow.. you're right.. his mom is quite attraktiv. and he's shown that he's not good with boundaries.. schtupping both Adalind and her mom… who are both blonde Hexenbabes….


After Nick goes on a jealous rampage at the station Juliette feels like she should leave Renard's, even though she has been sleeping in the guest room and there's been no funny business.
she shows up at Henrietta's door in the rain.. Henrietta lets her and tells Juliette to go warm up by the fire

yeah, they should have gone the sarcastic humour route like they did in the teaser.

CST: Cyber

the whole I need a place to stay in the teaser is a typical NBC misdirect, right?

we have yet to learn of the fruitfulness of a Grimm's loins.

i swear i wasn't being a syntax-nazi

that's oddly sweet.