
i think they can still be connected.
maybe her seduction powers aren't strong enough to completely enthrall Hank, so she went the cookie route..
or her seduction powers make it possible to bake those cookies?

it's kinda like homeopathy

does anyone else think that $10,000 seems really cheap for tracking and killing an elusive Wesen, and then split that with the nurse?
with how crazy expensive fertility treatments can be, i'd think $100,000 would make more sense.

interesting.. yeah.. her powers are newly manifested and she's far from controlling them.. i think this makes the most sense..
EDIT: it being psychosomatic that is.

i REALLY hope that the ring scene was because of either something about gold/silver/platinum or some love junk.. if it has anything to do with diamonds i'll be very unimpressed.

if they do break them up, i hope they really let Juliette soar.
i've liked the idea of her since the beginning, but they've mostly squandered her potential.. it'd feel cheap if they made her a villain, but i could see lots of shades of grey being satisfying.

well put!

that was beautiful..

i think i'm coming around to your side.. i think i'm just so squicked by Iris/Barry that i'm incapable of se eing it as a legitimate possibility.. i'm obviously in serious denial.. Barry at age like 7 moved in with Joe and Iris.. i'm honestly less weirded out by the thought of (from Arrow) Thea crushing on her

i call shenanigans on the lightning directly hitting the window instead of the metal roof.

here.. i think i got an extra one of those lying around.. oh! here it is: <

no. way.
eddie was being a big annoying jealous baby.
even though he was ultimately proven correct in his worries.. from his perspective his girlfriend was acting goofy with her stepbrother, and then he guilted her into feeling bad about it by passive aggressively mentioning a potential marriage.

he was definitely disappointed when Truman got the VP nod over Wallace.

and the blades' usefulness is relative to the strength of the adjacent finger joint.

valid point.

what's even worse about Lady Antebellum is apparently the name is in reference to Antebellum houses.. i.e. plantation houses that they were taking pictures of one day? so while standing on what was once a slave-run farm, they looked at the large mansion built from that labor and thought… "that'd be a cool name for a

just use the minibrowser in Winamp.

and why the hell would she need all 10 fingers to have blades??

i think that has been brought up in earlier reviews/comments (mammoth—>infection—>Liam—>cuttingboard).