4chan ruins everything. -_-
4chan ruins everything. -_-
Am I the only one who is into big ladies (hell, I married one!) but am completely not into the "sexy eating" fetish? I may just be weird.
that is about right. But the pressure can drop, and it seems the bladder takes precedent if you have anything short of a full erection. Mornings can be real fun. Reason #1 why I also piss at least half an hour before sex. I am not into watersports AT ALL.
This is the most fucked up comment I have ever read.
Yea, Gizmodo is much the same way. After a particular article about supermodels being 'shopped to look "overweight," the shit that was spewed in the comments section completely turned off any desire I had for going to Giz. I am a man, and am married to an overweight woman, and not only was I angry at the definition of…
Disclaimer: not an anthropologist.
Um. I don't know about rural ares, but, if I remember correctly, a sewage system in a city is a closed(ish) system. Meaning that the water returns for processing. It doesn't 'just disappear.' A person may be paying more by leaving the water running, but it isn't really 'wasting.'
So, what if the woman getting the abortion is an atheist? The whole argument seems to be that "God" doesn't want baby killing. If you don't believe there is a "god," then who exactly are you sinning against?
I seems no different than Logan's Run in my opinion.
Disclaimer: I am not a physicist.
Is it Titan, or Jupiter? #corrections
and Life on Earth!
Cool deal! The Unity Lens idea is cool. I just hope they refactor the application lense. that is a mess.
GASP! An actuall Linux post from Lifehacker. Be still my beating heart!
It is extremely hard for me to tell the difference between a comment and a reply now. it needs to be drastically darker or indented, or something.
I usually just BS my way out of conversations. Unless you are a friend or someone I need to talk to for me to get something or to get something done, I usually don't want to be talking to you.
And in normal lifehacker fashion, an OSX guide, a windows guide, but no Linux guide. Great job guys including everyone in your reindeer games!
inside the cloud player, you cannot upload anything. And when I tried to upload through the cloud services (I assume a front end for the S3 drive), flash crashed in chrome. But the player itself does not support Linux uploads.
same here. I have sent an email to support and will post their response here once(if) i get one.