
My experiences in GTA IV are way more chaotic than yours. I swear I can't not hit pedestrians. I am death incarnate. It is why I find the BoGT missions funny because Louis keeps saying "I won't go back to jail" as I mow down 50 pedestrians at 100+ mph on a sidewalk while firing my Uzi behind me at a few dozen cop

@danhughes: @danhughes: hmm.... I have to agree with this. No point in working a job you hate because you are afraid you won't make it doing X. There are menial jobs you can take if you need to. It doesn't have to be permanent. Happiness take sacrifice.

@senshikaze: by the way it was Georgia, though the program says it is Times New Roman. Now onto why it is saying one font and using another. Damn windows. _

You have no idea how crazy this is. I was just talking with a user with a font problem and was trying to find something just like this. That is almost scary. Thanks for the link! #happy!

@TheFu: i don't know. the color helps me visually distinguish folders from...

@Marand: Great explanation, a little "holier than thou" early on, but very detailed and well explained.

@kettlewhistle: I agree completly with your comment. Americans need to relearn frugalness. Debt is not something to strive for. It is something to avoid as much as is humanly possible (not easy, I know). And stuff is worthless to me many time. Bed, clothes, a computer, foodstuff and accessories, and a small, rotating

pulseaudio freaking sucks. I can never get the damn thing to work on arch 64 and generally just fallback to alsa. I agree with some random talking head that Linux has too many audio subsystems. Stop making new ones!

I'm glad personally. I have yet to see a 3D movie that doesn't cause debilitating headaches for me. I will be glad to see 3D go. Thankfully, there hasn't been a 3D only movie that I know of yet.

@psychiccheese: It is, but the letter 'c' and the most common English last name isn't much to go on.

@CleverName: until they can fix the blindingly bad headaches I get with 3D, they can go screw themselves.

@tegronin: You have no idea how much I agree with the general sentiment expressed in your comment. Working in Medical IT was the single worst idea I have ever had.

@raycrios: oh I know. I usually only use Windows on other people's computers and now that I have arch on my work computer, it isn't nearly as big a deal any more. ;)

I wouldn't say Sol is my favorite star... just closest. I am not ready to tie myself to just one star yet.

My rules are generally:

@TheFu: nano is generally available on almost all distros. I mean even Archlinx has nano in the core repo, which only clocks in at a total of 163 packages (i686). I find nano to be a lot easier than vi personally, but that might come from an emacs background.

@CamJN: gnome-do is my most missed app. i can't tell you how many times i have hit super+space and couldn't figure out why it wouldn't show up. thankfully quicksilver and even spotlight on the mac helps out a bit.