
There are some real cretins in this thread.

DuVernay wrote the script. Webb's name is on it due to contractual obligations.

'I'm well aware of the problems, b.'

Crap? The King's Speech was an excellent movie that deserved every win. Your opinion hereafter is null and void.

I thought his snub was spiteful, yes. Anytime a film gets nominated for 'Best Picture' but not 'Best Director' I feel like it's a snub. Great movies don't direct themselves. But IMO his snub had less to do with race and gender (clearly) and more to do with the cantankerous Academy voters reluctance to give a

'The film strongly suggests he ordered the FBI to send Coretta Scott King the tapes of death threats and King's infidelity out of personal spite.'

'Black people are infallible Gods.'

I love when people ask me to 'prove' racism exists.

No. The nomination recognizing her work would be enough imo. Her lack of nomination (especially with a Best Picture nod) seems spiteful.

I love The First Wives Club.

Whomp there it is

And I believe you are continuously responding to ME.

Oh, yes, I sound soooo desperate, resorting to personal attacks and name calling. Are you looking in a mirror while typing?

Doubtful. What could be more entertaining than racism and segregation? I sure don't know. Maybe slavery. Maybe a lynching. Thoughts? I know people treated lynchings as fun for the whole family back in the day!

Your DELICATE sensibilities! Lol!

And you called me 'Baby Sensei' which literally made me laugh out loud because I probably am the youngest person in this comment section. But good dodge.

It's not a dodge at all. You still have yet to point to ANYWHERE in my responses where I called you a racist (or even implied that you were racist), so stating 'I guess I'm anti-robot for disliking Transformers' is a quantum leap of Dr. Who proportions lol. I replied to your original comment with the very valid point

LOL calling me a Baby is such a clear indicator of your maturity. You're cracking me up tonight.

Lol the quantum leaps of logic here are astounding.

If you FEEL insulted, or like I called you a racist, then that's a personal problem. In reading through our interactions I only responded to what I thought were problems with what you said. Your criticism of a movie based on real-life racial issues is inextricably bound to racism. Your dismissal of the sexist and