
Except I never said, 'You're racist.' Weren't you just talking about reading comprehension? I haven't insulted you in the slightest, I've merely challenged your opinion.

Lmao point out where I 'insulted you massively?' The ego is such a wonderfully fragile thing.

I must say, it's really interesting seeing the excuses get trotted out to excuse racism and sexism, though.

The only one not seeing the point is you. Comprehension is key.

Lol pointing out racism and sexism is counterproductive. Ok.

Reading comprehension is what allowed me to draw my conclusion. Clearly your own comprehension skills aren't the best.

I didn't say it was racist. I said it absolutely has to do with real-life situations (namely about race and gender), which it does.

'Selma' was a brilliant film. That film alone blows your 'the better films were simply the white-made ones' theory out of the water.

No prob.

I see your point but I still think that's a bit of a cop-out. What constitutes 'best' stories and screenplays? Standard white male coming of age stories? War movies? The entire industry needs to be revamped and I think the Academy has lots of opportunities, if not to 'fix it,' to at least show they're aware of the

And NOW you reply lol. And you've resorted to swearing and insults? That unraveled rather quickly, didn't it?

I see you didn't reply to my mentioning of Ava DuVernay's winning of Best Director at Sundance for her film 'Middle of Nowhere.' Just completely glossed over that in your 'panic' didn't you? Lol you sound like you're foaming at the mouth as you type.

'1. Films should be judged on their merits, not based on the race of the people involved in making them.'

You sound insane. Naive and insane.

I love this excuse! "Well, did YOU ever think that Black people just WANTED to be slaves??? Maybe they WANTED to get out of Africa? Did you ever think about THAT???" No one wants to be part of a marginalized group. Black people (and women) grow up watching and loving movies just like everyone else (aka white men) and


They're out there, but they aren't being recognized, especially by the Academy. Ava DuVernay won Best Director just two years ago at Sundance for her film 'Middle of Nowhere.' If she had been white or a man, that movie probably would've gone on to be a major release and box office hit and she would most likely have a

'Yeah, I'm pretty sure you're wrong.' LOL why?

Also women are graduating from film school at roughly the same rate as men (I believe the above article links to the numbers) so the excuse that more men are filmmakers than women actually doesn't hold water.

If the majority of directors, actors, and writers are white, there's still a problem. I can amend my former statement to say HOLLYWOOD has a problem with race and gender, not just the Academy.