
'It's just that maybe there aren't that many of any other ethnicity doing good things in film IN America right now that QUALIFY for the Oscars.'

His criticism of the film has everything to do with real-life situations.

DTRT is still a masterpiece.

The Academy thinks white men are the only ones that make movies worth awarding every year.

I'm sure we can all agree that films SHOULD be based off their merits and not the race (or gender) of their creators. But they're not. Because if you guys truly believe that's what happening, then you truly believe that white men consistently make better movies, are better actors, directors, writers, editors,

I actually agree. How is 'American Sniper' eligible to be nominated when it isn't out yet? Huh? The process is confusing.

Not thinly veiled at all. Rather disturbing tbh.

You're clearly one of those, 'White people are naturally better at everything so OF COURSE they deserve all the accolades!' trolls.

The film 'Selma' has absolutely everything to do with real-life situations.

'Should we discount the achievements of white-made or mostly-white-starring films just because yay diversity?'

I didn't leave the theater feeling that LBJ was 'tarnished' (or made out to be the 'villain,' as some people have claimed) nor in a 'thrall' to Hoover, but rather that he was a deeply sympathetic character who worked closely with MLK and actually cared about all the issues (voting rights, Vietnam, poverty, etc). He

Brilliant comment.


If you would really rather your people not be represented then you have some serious issues. Actually all of your comments sound like you have major issues with respectability politics and internalized racism.

I don't want AHS but I was wondering if this meant she wasn't on it anymore.

I'm a Firefly fan and it's still too soon.

Agreed, it was amazing.


In writing on websites just like this one. Op-ed pieces are a thing. Feel free to google it.