
The dramatics about LBJ's portrayal are INSANE.

A MUSTACHE TWIRLING VILLAIN? Could you be more dramatic? I'm convinced all the people describing LBJ as the 'villain' of the film did not see it. There is no other explanation.

Lol you 'reject' the idea of racism. White privilege must be AMAZING.

I agree.

They are not only ignoring it, they are running away from it with their fingers in their ears screaming 'Lalalalalaaaa.'

Yes. Right now, the Academy just told studios that funding, distributing and promoting films about people of color is still a risk. Even brilliant films about MLK.

Lol I like you

It's definitely something you have to see for yourself to formulate your own opinion. That's why I find it particularly troubling how many people are saying they 'refuse' to see it based off the backlash. Really?

Webb wrote the original script (which actually focused solely on LBJ and MLK's relationship) when Lee Daniels was still attached to the project. After Ava DuVernay signed on, she did a MASSIVE rewrite (including writing in a larger role for Coretta Scott King/the protestors and completely rewriting the Bloody Sunday

Anthony D. couldn't reply to this post but instead replied to the one right below it where I addressed him as insane, the words he used to describe himself. LOL so transparent

Except I gave you a looonnggg post where i answered every one of your points in detail lol. You said yourself you feel insane and I agreed with you. You sound insane. Personal attack? If you say so.

'Moron?' Tsk, tsk. Let me quote you again:

'Stupid little head'

You just called someone 'retarded' and ended a sentence with 'so there.' I'm going to with 'yes.' Your grammar and syntax sound very much like a 12-year-old.

I'm still not sure how he came to the conclusion anyone called him a racist.

Also Latino is an ethnicity not a race. So you can still be a white Latino. Lol farewell.

You sound like you've already lost your damn mind.

*raises hand*

No, that person made a clear, concise argument and you came out the gate slinging insults. That's what makes you a troll and him a decent human being. Feel insulted.

You seem upset.