
No, I don't think a man choosing to seek out someone he knows and used to date and unsuspectingly beating her almost to death has anything to do with a thing she did.

They dated for a couple of years and he never almost killed her. So it's on her for not knowing that after they broke up he would then almost kill her.

NO. Getting beat almost to death by a dude who randomly shows up where you are is NOT suicidal. It's not. It's not.


Should being born into a wealthy family get you catapulted through life without working?
Should being born and then becoming an old white dude catapult you to higher wages?
Should companies be using sweatshops to make shirts that cost five cents and charge $60 for them?
Are people willing to pay to see other people's

I disagree with everything you just said. Cultural appropriation isn't simply "borrowing" from other cultures. When people talk about Miley Cyrus and her instances of cultural appropriation, they're talking about the fact that she uses aspects of black culture for her monetary gain. She may supposedly enjoy being

I involuntarily crushed a beer can the other night when I saw a comment saying she deserved it for being a porn star (and continuing on to say she should expect it in her line of work). Then I started crying, because how can people be so fucking awful? Just how? I don't understand :(

You know, I walked in on an ex cheating once. Did I have a fantasy of punching him? Hell yeah! Did I do it? No. I called him an asshole and took a cab home.

In related-ish news, there was a page on Facebook entitled "Men & Women Against Infidelity/ "WarMachine" Supporters." It had barely over 100 likes when I reported it.
Initially I got an email from Facebook stating that they would not remove this page because it didn't violate their community standards, but apparently

Oh, he's "just asking questions," you know. Just trying to understand "poor things" like Christy Mack better.

Why on earth would you "have to ask" this? Are you implying that it's her fault that she was brutally assaulted because she dated a guy who ended up being horrible?

I have to ask, did you ever have a soul? or did you give it to the devil in exchange for some videogames sometime before this comment?

He also stated that he was going over there to propose and if she wasn't in bed with another guy, it "would have been a perfect moment" or something and they would both be so happy. Yeah right. You went from "I want to spend the rest of my life with this person" to "I want to kill this person" in a matter of minutes

You forgot the part where she said he said he was going to rape her but couldn't get hard. Makes me want to throw up.

"War Machine stated: "that's my pussy and I'm going to take it back now."

...Jesus Fucking Christ. But then, I remember being a teenage boy and hearing classmates say "if you rape a prostitute, isn't it just theft?" These are adult men though, which makes it even worse.

Hearing Chuck Zito tell a reporter he'd do the same thing if he caught his lady cheating made me want to run around screaming.

When someone advocates domestic abuse I think it is noteworthy and they deserve to be called out for it.

Well, I don't know Chuck Zito, but if he said that then fuck Chuck Zito.

God he's a piece of shit. Just a skidmark on the drawers of society.