
Iggy, as one commentator somewhere else on Kinja aptly put (I can't remember your name, wise commentator, I'm sorry) does verbal blackface. Iggy's beats are awesome, but she can't spit. Artists like Angel Haze can actually spit, but get little or no media attention. Iggy has tweeted racist, slut shaming things in the

Israel avoids civilian casualties, but Hamas aims to kill civilians.

I'm sorry, but the West Bank is definitively NOT "open for people to come and go as they please." To quote from our old pal Wikipedia, "Israel enforces restrictions on the freedom of movement of Palestinians in the West Bank by employing a system of permanent, temporary and random manned checkpoints, the West Bank

I've heard your talking points every day on every US news channel. I believe this guy instead. this is a much longer conflict and it precedes 2005. Look, I despise, abhore Islamic fundamentalism, and I want Israel to thrive, but it won't if it continues the killing.

Yes. Many, many. Here are some of them:

Can you explain the bombing of the kids playing soccer on the beach? Can you explain this? I'm not looking just at the statistics in purely abstract terms. I'm looking at the years-long imprisonment of an ethnically and religiously different population by a much stronger military power, and the dire consequences they

When people say things like "well both sides are at fault" or "well it's really a complicated situation" they are implicitly supporting the horrific acts of the IDF, they just don't want to come out and say it. That or they are woefully uninformed.

What would be shocking to me is if Jezebel actually did a full article (an odd paragraph between 18 tweets does not good reporting make) reflecting on celebrity, modern media, and why their opinions become such lightning rods. Do they actually hold any sway or are they just easy targets for people to condescend

you're not sure if they've donated money, encouraged others to donate, or protested?'re speaking about something you don't know all the facts about. maybe YOU should take your own advice. They have every right to voice their opinion. How much weight given to that opinion is up to the individual. Personally, I

You're right - celebrities should not use their (often worldwide) fame to bring awareness to terrible situations that should be stopped. They're the worst. #BoycottCelebs

It's kind of amazing that we all agree it's "controversial" to express an opinion on a conflict which has 1000 dead on one side and a couple on the other. With the latter doing the killing. Moral clarity — it comes retrospectively. While the butchery is going on, it's just controversial.

this shirt is pretty awesome though. I want one!

can i get this in adult size pls

Okay... sure... Really though, that's a hearty case of sarcasm, right?

I agree that you can't necessarily presume any particular woman is being victimized or lacks agency just because she is putting her sexuality on display, but this reads to me a little like the "why can't White people say n****a if Black people can" argument. It's just not the same and that's not because of any

Except no. Her "Beez in the Trap" is a perfect example. I was so disappointed by that video. You say that she is the subject, not the object, the one with the power...but in clips of her and 2Chainz, he is fully clothed, she is wearing a bikini. He is rapping, she is gyrating with her face away from the camera. Look

If Minaj was really about "owning" her sexuality instead of being reduced to it, she wouldn't have gotten butt implants and do the pose that is on every single cover of every single male-oriented butt magazine (like King). It's for male eyes, not about the power of her own sexuality. I mean, don't get me wrong, she

"Perhaps her purpose is to prove that as a woman, you can exert your sexuality without being reduced to it—that a woman doesn't have to stifle her autonomy to satisfy the short-sighted."