Sharilynn McIntosh

And then get all in their feelings when they’re called on the carpet for it.

These people aren’t coming here illegally.  They’re looking for asylum from a messed up country that has gangs that kill innocent people over turf wars.  And the president wants to have them shot by our armed forces?  That’s deplorable, pun intended.

Sorry, but didn’t we lose the whole point of this article?  The wrong person got shot by the police.  They didn’t even apologize!  This guy served our country with honor, and he gets killed by mistake?  I call foul!  It wasn’t a mistake.  I don’t buy it.  Sorry.

To be clear, white face is used when doing mime.  That has never been equated with racism whatsoever.  Black face was and is always to shame people of color, specifically those whose ancestors came from Africa.

I hear you, and I really don’t get those who say that if we, meaning African Americans, don’t like the country to go back to Africa. Are you kidding me? Our ancestors were brought here against our will. As far back as my great-great grandfather, who was born here during slavery, the result of a white slave owner’s

I have never understood the correlation between Colin taking a knee for injustice, and the alleged disrespect of veterans.  That isn’t the case, and veterans were getting disrespected long before this issue.  It’s not right to lump the two things together when neither has anything to do with each other.

I’m a veteran as well, and the problem is that wars are started on false accusations, and all they really want to do is to make money.  That’s what all of our wars were about, and innocent servicemen and women have been killed because of greed.  Praying for our armed forces, because of what’s going on currently.

I understand what you’re saying, and as a veteran with an adult child serving in the Armed Forces currently, and a host of immediate family members who are also veterans, what you’re saying is true.  However, the difference is that some of the police who are sworn to protect and serve the public for some reason

You’re absolutely right, and we saw that in the presidential election.

How so?

I agree with you.  It’s outrageous that they would not try to at least up their customer service skills and realize that everyone needs to be treated with kindness, and being disabled isn’t the fault of the individual, and shouldn’t be taken advantage of.  The disruption of this man to yell at someone that doesn’t

They’re probably going to try that in the US as well.

You have to forgive in order to move on.  To teach this child to not forgive will cause problems in the future.  I agree that this stupid woman needs to be held accountable for her actions, but I disagree that she doesn’t need forgiveness.


What about the falsely accused child, and the trauma she caused him?  His mother had remarkable restraint, considering.

Only Kanye song I like because of Jamie Foxx, lol!

And this comes from the man, meaning Donald Trump, who married a mail order bride?

I moved 2 and a half months ago, and I have an FOB.  Tell me why the security guard, who watched me and my husband walk in after using it to sign in, and do we live here?

I respectfully disagree.  Only in the United States.  Other countries are trained to disrespect American Blacks.

I love it!  If you love children, and have a degree in education, color shouldn’t matter.  You are there because you love what you do.