Sharilynn McIntosh

What in the absolute heck?  First of all, as an African American woman with a college degree, and I had a great career until I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 5 years ago, has been gainfully employed since my teens.  I resent you saying that I, or anyone who looks like me am less than white people just because. 

I don’t think that people in that community should be discriminated against. If you want to be that way, do you. However, I do agree that if pedophiles and sex offenders wanted to attack people, we just opened the door for them to become more creative in their foolishness. Just my opinion.

Sadly, there is anti black racism in every country all over the world.  There are people who are darker than I am from other countries who are literally taught to come here, get what they can, and take advantage of American Blacks.  They are racist against us, and think that we’re complete idiots.

Absolutely!  I agree with you.  They didn’t just pull this behavior out of the sky.

Are you sure?

I’m a dude, he’s a dude, she’s a dude, we’re all dudes!  I can’t tell you how many times my kids ran around the house saying that.  Their favorite movie was Good Burger.  I couldn’t stand the line, but it was hilarious!

The Army and the Air Force share Fort Carson.

I love it!

I’m trying to stay Christlike, but to “Tom”, I say, bring it, b***h!  We’ll see who gets buried!  Sorry for that outburst...

Ummm...I’m from Boston.  

It’s about time.  I was just talking about this the other day.  He needs to stay there.

As an African American woman who has a college degree, and worked full time until a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis five years ago, I take exception to your comment.  Obviously you think that we’re all stupid, lazy criminals.  We were brought up well, and all we want is the same chance that others get.  People of

The power of God will stop witchcraft.

I wouldn’t want to play anywhere else either.  We have 5 Super Bowl rings, even though we didn’t play like it last night against the Lions.  It was more like a high school football team against an 0-2 NFL team.  I had to change the channel, I was so mad after the first quarter.

I’m sorry, but gun violence by white males is at least 7-8 times likely to be a mass shooting versus black males being homicide.

It’s called personal space.  Would you like it if a random guy/girl came up to you and started kissing you?  If everyone keeps their hands to themselves, then there wouldn’t be any threat of violence from anyone else.

I understand what you’re saying, and he’s definitely wrong for that.  However, two wrongs don’t make a right.  What’s the difference between this foolishness and the KKK or Aryan Nation shouting White Power, and trying to kill as many people of color or whites that don’t agree with their agenda?

Apparently not.

Which town?  I live in Massachusetts.

Children are not born with hate in their hearts.  If the parents aren’t teaching them hate, then it is the sad individuals with their wrong ideologies that do.