Sharilynn McIntosh

How can you be “blatantly racist against blondes”, especially since blondes come in every color?

What’s wrong with Sade?

I’m still asking if it was ever proven that the child shoplifted.

At the end of the day, regardless of how she chooses to identify herself, she should NEVER have bothered anyone who is autistic.  As the grandmother of an autistic boy, forgive me for saying this, but she would have been jacked up!

I’m confused.  What was wrong with this young boy bouncing a basketball in a gym?

Let’s see...the fact that he called two countries (Haiti and Liberia) s**tholes.  And that’s just for starters.

Really?  Say that to any person of color, especially Jews, Blacks, Hispanics or Asians.

At least he can FEEL uncomfortable.  That young man he killed doesn’t feel anything anymore.  How about that?

If you’re Italian and from Sicily, that is off the coast of Africa, thus the reason for the dark skin.  I’m just saying.

Who are the “we” you refer to? Why does any one race of people have to “let” another race do anything? Furthermore, why does anyone have to gain entry into upper classes of society? As if we have to apply for it, and hope that someone will let us get in, with a password or with a look of what others consider normalcy.

Ok, no one isn’t acknowledging that parking in a handicapped space was wrong, but unless you’re a parking attendant or the police, you really don’t have the right to say anything, and definitely not confrontational.  At the end of the day, a man is dead for defending his family.  The guy was wrong to yell at the

What in the absolute world is wrong with you?  A man defends his family, and because he happens to be black, he instantly is a thug?  Are you serious right now?

George Zimmerman was Hispanic, even though he clearly passes for white.

Ok, I’ll bite.  So, without knowing anything about MOST people of color, you automatically assume that we’re all lazy, collecting welfare, have multiple children from baby daddies/mamas, and are cheating the system.  Oh, and I forgot to add living in the projects in the ghetto, with no education other than junior high

Are you serious right now?  First of all, cooperating with the police doesn’t guarantee that you won’t die.  Secondly, two innocent women were attacked, one is dead, and the other is recuperating.  Your comment is heartless.  If it were your relative, I question if you would feel differently.  Go somewhere with your

Sour grapes.  What does rape have to do with this story?

I agree, especially when the Union backs a terrible employee who breaks all of the rules, and they still are employed at the company.  This usually happens in state and federal government.

Oh, my goodness!  This says it all in a nutshell.

I agree with you, although his life was senselessly taken from him by a racist.  It’s sad that they (meaning racists), can’t see the utter futility in their hatred.

Because like the other continents, it has been stripped and pillaged of its natural resources.  That’s not the fault of the ancestors of Africans.