Ever hear of Newark, Delaware, the murder capital of the United States?
Ever hear of Newark, Delaware, the murder capital of the United States?
There you go again, lumping everyone into the same category. I have been a registered voter for decades, and I let my voice be heard. Yes, I work part time, but not because I’m lazy, but because I have a major life threatening illness called Multiple Sclerosis which prevents me from working full time.
I don’t hate anyone. Calling out racism that has existed longer than all of us have been alive isn’t being racist in itself. It’s pointing out a fact.
How so? By our very existence? What makes us so different than every other race, with the exception of skin color? I don’t have a problem with people who are different than me, but people seem to have a problem with folks who look like me. You make an assumption based upon what exactly? I’ll wait.
Ok, so those who are legitimately on Social Security Disability or SSI, other than working 20 hours a week, are they targeted so they have to go back to full time work, regardless of their health? That seems harsh, no? How about senior citizens? Are they going to be forced back into work in order to pay for their…
He’d better not go to any school in Marietta that my granddaughter attends, or it’s a wrap!
This! Black Panther was a amazingly done film, that I would be happy to see, or at least wait until the DVD comes out, or get it on Netflix, etc. For ANYONE to say they hated it and Hollywood should be concerned, because of a 99.9 percent black cast is outrageous, and he should be fired. It’s one thing to have an…
The color of one’s skin should be irrelevant to anything in life, however people make it so. Why? Stupidity. I am an African American woman with a college degree, and unfortunately work part time because I have Multiple Sclerosis. I have never been lazy in my life, and until the illness, I worked full time for some…
There are criminals in every race. All Hispanics didn’t sneak into the country any more than all African Americans received or currently receive welfare. All Asians don’t do laundry. Anything else?
And this is why real history that has been hidden shows that they have conquered every property that any person of color has owned, from the American Indians to the Middle East.
Do you have some proof that somehow escaped the media and the general public, or even his family? He only had an iPhone in his hand. Shouldn’t he have had more items on him to actually PROVE that he was breaking into cars?
Clearly, you’ve never lived in an urban neighborhood. Kids run all the time, and not from the police. They play, they may be running to make curfew, etc. What is shady about this behavior? All those policemen running up on this kid, gave him 3 seconds to comply, without identifying themselves first, then just shooting…
Yeah, including 7 year olds asleep in their bed.
He was startled, therefore the sudden reaction. Unfortunately, it got him killed, thanks to 20 bullets. Makes perfect sense. SMH.
Lol! I am a wedding coordinator, and I agree with you!
And where is the proof that he was actually doing that? Where are the witnesses? Oops, there are none. Give me a break! You’re dismissed!
Ok, so what about those people of color that did comply, and still ended up dead? Where’s your explanation for that?
Actually, we don’t. They hate us, too, because of who we are, thanks to those who brought us over from here.
No, he isn’t. But I respect the fact that he took responsibility for his actions, which caused him to lose his job with the NFL. Kap being blackballed is because of him standing up for injustices, and people calling him un American for it, which is absolutely outrageous, and very telling on how society feels about…
I think that he is black, but from another country.