Sharilynn McIntosh

Probably not.

I wouldn’t necessarily say most, because I have white people who I am related to by blood. Some, who actually have the nerve to say how they really feel, but not all.

Sorry, she couldn’t wait to express her anger in a way that she felt was productive. The fact that she mentioned the relationship shows how she feels in general. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.

If any teacher hit my kid and called them stupid, they would see me the next day. I wish I would!

Now I have to interject here that not all white women teachers are bad. My second grade teacher was amazing, and she took a frightened 7 year old little girl from the hood, and helped me get through a transition period where I went to suburban schools from a program called METCO, which sent children from the inner

As a fifth grader, which was just about the time that the movie Roots was new, my teacher called me a little black spotted dog. Needless to say, my aunt was up there the next day, and grabbed her from behind the desk, and asked her who she thought she was talking to, and demanded that she apologize to me. The

If a family member says something like that, it’s one thing, but if it’s a total stranger, that’s another. It has nothing to do with Tom Brady’s status. If it were Joe Blow, I would still say the guy was dead wrong.

That doesn’t give people the right to make derogatory comments about someone else’s child, whether they’re famous or not. She’s a five year old kid. The guy is a coward! 

Sorry, but I disagree. You can talk about me, I’m a big girl, but you talk about my kids, right or wrong, good or bad, in a disrespectful tone, those are fighting words. I’m pretty sure that any parent would feel that way. If they’re acting up, the parents deal with them. If they’re acting like children, and the

As a mild mannered, educated African American woman, I take great offense to your statement. The truth hurts? Talk about a generalization! Maybe you need to actually go out and meet some people who have sense, and not think that every person of color, specifically Black people, doesn’t have a brain, and is what you

Could you show us where it says in the story that they were house hunting at 3:00 in the morning?


It’s just jealousy. We didn’t have a perfect record, and played some teams that did. It’s good coaching and good teamwork, period.

For the single women who want to stay that way, fine. For the single women who want to be married, keep in mind that it is the man that finds the good thing, you. You want the man to be 100% whole, and you want to be that way as well. Love God, love yourself, and then you will be in a good position to love others.

That was the culture during that period of time.

Really? What in the absolute bloody heck are you talking about?

One who is trying to regain control of an out of control teenager. These kids are off the hook! Thank God that all my kids are in their late 20's and 30's, and have sense. These kids coming up in this day and time are crazy, and I would forget whose mother I am and kick their behinds! They have no respect for anyone,

Umm, she did throw a tantrum, claiming that she was bumped for Sheila Jackson Lee, but in fact, she canceled her flight prematurely. How is that the representative or the airline’s fault? I’m waiting...

I met a guy at work, and we dated, and eventually got married. We didn’t work in the same department, so it worked. 27 years later, we’re still together :)

I love it! Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water. Just because there are some “Christians” who misrepresent the name of God, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t some true Christians, just following Jesus without fear, inadequacy, guilt or shame.