Sharilynn McIntosh

This makes me laugh! We’re all mixed! Just trace your roots back to slavery. This isn’t a surprise. For the record: if any blood relative of yours is black, that makes you black. Period. End of story. I have blood relatives that look white, and I’ve been told that my mother looks Asian, which she is not.

And this is who America voted for. Congratulations! We’re all screwed now.

There is absolutely a lot that I could say, but let my silence speak volumes. On second thought, how in absolute heck can you say that s**t? Do you know that you are actually the minority, and that every person of color from blacks, hispanics and asians are all in this society. How about you thank God that you’re

First of all, you need to look up the definition of a nigger. It’s an ignorant person, which clearly you are. Secondly, black is beautiful, as are all the other colors in the Crayola crayon box, so I really don’t understand what your problem is. As a Christian, I believe what God says about me in the Bible, not what

That is demonic. What in the world does this have to do with the tragic death of a child?

I understand what you’re saying, because I experienced that in the 70's and 80's, and even as recently as yesterday. In my home town of Boston, Massachusetts, I was able to go to school in the suburbs through a program based in the city. I had an excellent education, and because I don’t speak Ebonics, I was labeled as

No, that’s called being spoiled. A spanking never hurt any child. From our great grandparents generation to our children’s, spanking a child on their butt should never be considered abuse. Beating a child within an inch of their lives is abuse. Learn the difference. This is why these kids are out of control today.

It’s about a relationship with Christ, not religion, which has too many rules not followed by those who preach it. There is a scripture that says “you shall know them by the fruit that they bear.” This is the case with Donald Trump. You have seen what fruit he bears, and is applauded for it by the alt-right.

The operative word is kids. Adults don’t subscribe to this behavior (or listen to gangsta rap for that matter.)

No, but it should be classified as harassment.

Is that all? He should have gotten life imprisonment. Why just 15 years?

Hollering! Now that’s funny!

I would love to see where these statistics are being held, because every time I see the news, it’s like 1 white person versus 25 black people being shot and killed by the police.

And funny enough, Bin Laden was funded by us (the United States).

What is absolutely outrageous is that everyone from every race has some dysfunction in their families. Every black family doesn’t always just have single parents. There are some of us who came from two parent families, and our children aren’t dysfunctional. Just normal.

Because they’re the “majority”...

I’m sorry, but my husband’s great grandfather and grandmother came to the United States from Barbados, West Indies as free people in the early 1900's. This was verified at Ellis Island that we went to. My great grandfather was the product of a white woman who raped a black male slave. That was verified in an early

I’m curious to know where in history does it say that blacks from Africa sold us into slavery to the Spanish, and whites fought for our freedom.

I find it interesting that you would say that expressing oneself is being a traitor to this “great country” as you call it. If there is anyone that has a right to kneel, stand in protest or anything else, it would be Native Americans who were butchered in order to take over the country that they lived in before ANYONE

To be honest, I’m not convinced that even with body cam footage, it won’t somehow be altered to the officer’s defense.