Sharilynn McIntosh

For your sake, I hope that you’re being tongue in cheek about that...

Sorry, but I am definitely not a Kanye West fan, nor am I a fan of Taylor Swift. They’re both terrible. Just my opinion.

That’s why it’s about the relationship, and not religion.

That’s not a fair statement. Some of us actually follow Jesus and His teachings, not staying at home, watching televangelists at home, but trying to do the best we can. #notperfectjustforgiven

True story! It makes no sense beating ourselves up for mistakes of the past. Move on, and make a better day! I completely agree with you!

While I respect your opinion about Christianity, I just want to offer you another train of thought. It’s not about religion, but about a relationship with Christ. Jesus was not born in a palace, but in a stable, because there was no room in the inn. He didn’t grow up rich, but was poor. He loves everyone,

Political differences withstanding, it is the parents job to take care of and raise the children while their young. It is the children’s job to take care of the parents when they are old. Honoring your parents doesn’t come with an expiration date. You only get one of each, and hopefully they are loving and kind

How about respect for all people, of all backgrounds? Why just the white race? I don’t suggest that anyone exterminate anyone.

Some of us are terrible at sports, but we are great academics, and actually have degrees and reputable careers. But “that’s none of my business, though.” I’ll just sit here and drink my tea.

I agree with you. Most police officers that I have encountered in my lifetime are kind and very helpful. Some have been mean, and only once I had an unpleasant encounter with one. For the most part, at least where I live, they are good.

Ok, so it’s alright to walk down a street, protesting every person of color’s existence, tell us to go back to our country, beat, rape and murder people, for no other reason than the race, creed, color or nationality?

With the exception of people with eating disorders, pretty much everyone is overweight.

This is a beautiful black woman. News flash...all men don’t like size 0. We are beautiful in all shape and sizes. Period, end of sentence. Anyone who thinks otherwise is foolish.

Why reward bad behavior?

Christians (i.e., individuals who follow Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior) are the furthest from being perfect. There is a reason why He is the Savior; because He saved us from our sins. That doesn’t mean that we don’t sin, we just TRY to sin less. That being said, Stephen Curry isn’t petty, he’s just human, like

Not all Christians are named Amber, or shop at Walmart. Seriously, though, real followers of Jesus are accepting of everyone, no matter what the deal is. This woman makes Christians look really bad.

Or as drug dealers or users, pimps, prostitutes, thirsty goldigging young women who are sex crazy. That’s not even real life, and our kids are falling for that foolishness.

With all due respect, to my Native American brother, I respectfully disagree. Native Americans were not only disenfranchised, they were brutally murdered at the hands of whites, and only given a bit of land, no taxes, and the enjoyment of casinos. African Americans continue to be disenfranchised, murdered, and unable

In what country?

I know some subscribe to that line of thinking, but it won’t happen.