Sharilynn McIntosh

Venus had the right of way, as she entered the intersection with a green light. There was someone on the opposite side who ran the red light and cut her off. She stopped to keep from hitting them, and when she proceeded to go, the other car that hit her had a green light. They needed to wait until she was out of the

That’s not true. She broke down in a press conference in tears.

You mean no sense of pettiness or hard feelings.

And this is an issue? The man’s taste in mustard?

I’m sorry, but I missed that one. When did this happen exactly?

I’m sorry, but I respectfully disagree. Foreign countries all over the world are “warned” about black people, and it would appear that everyone “hates” black people, especially black Americans, because of all the stereotypes they’ve heard about us, and what they may have seen on TV1, BET or Centric.

And as a parent, it is not overbearing to want to protect your children from bullies. Bullying is a learned art, usually from the parents, or at least viewing the parents doing it. Sometimes, that’s not the case, but it can be. When children are threatened by gangs, or by mean people, it is the parents’ job to step


Little solace for this man’s family.

If he’s guilty, he will be punished, if not here, in the hereafter. But the evilest of all time? Not so much. That title belongs to the enemy of our souls, Satan.

I would think that anyone would have a problem with thugs attacking the police, but in retrospect, how many police officers have attacked people, thinking that they were thugs, or people who couldn’t possibly be thugs, and were killed, and then the police found out it wasn’t who they were looking for, or a mistake was

What in the world?

What Christians would you be referring to? I’ve never said or heard anyone say that a tragedy is part of God’s plan. If anything, it’s the exact opposite. It’s not part of God’s plan. Evil is in the world because of man, not God.


Because she may have felt that he may have seen the error of his ways and changed. Unfortunately, tragically, that wasn’t the case, and she will have to live with this for the rest of her life.

I am a Christian as well, and I say that he should get the death penalty, not because of revenge, but because of the Bible that speaks about not murdering. This man is a monster, because he murdered his only child due to not getting his way.

I have to respectfully disagree. Everyone knows the difference between right and wrong, with the exception of babies, and these girls knew what they were doing. They definitely got off too light, and should have served life imprisonment. They get to live, and possibly get parole, which I hope that they will get

That was the jam!

And furthermore, everyone doesn’t like a size 0. Some men actually like women over a size 8, and plus size women. So what if she gained a few pounds. She isn’t morbidly obese, like over 50% of the general population, male and female. Give her a break, and stop body shaming her.

Wow...just wow. She is a young woman, and she put on a few pounds. She looks amazing. And she’s always been beautiful.