Sharilynn McIntosh

I understand what you’re saying, because people aren’t perfect, but this is a child we’re talking about, and the mistake cost him his life. How do you tell this baby’s parents, “Oops, we made a mistake, and your son is dead.”

I don’t really care how the word is spelled. It’s derogatory, and shouldn’t be used at all. Unfortunately, young people think that it’s ok and cool to be down with it, but it’s not at all.

Now that the whole story is out, the mother may need to seek counseling to find out why she drove her children away, and change.

Or a loving mother who doesn’t want to see her daughter hurt. There are three sides to a story, the mother’s, the daughter’s and the actual truth.

Interesting that you say that. I have sat under both black, white, hispanic and asian pastors, and none of them were racist. People seem to forget that racism is a choice, no matter how you were raised.

That’s an insult to evangelical Christians. A real Christian doesn’t see color, just people, no matter what their background is.

All the while making decisions in the dark, and being a distraction to what’s really going on. Nothing to see behind the curtain, folks. Move along.

Who says that? I lived in a major city, and went to school in the suburbs. I was 7 years old, and my second grade teacher was the most loving and caring teacher I ever met, and took a frightened African American little girl from the inner city and treated me with love, dignity and respect. Because of her kindness, I

If the boy hit the girl with the broom, and the girl hit him back, which is what I understand happened, because he disrupted the class and was disrespectful to the teacher, and the girl came to the teacher’s defense, why is she hitting the child with the broom? There are some children that do respect authority.

I agree with you to a certain point. The children coming up today are out of control, because their parents are young and out of control as well. However, teachers have no business putting their hands on a child. If anything that this child reported is true, the teacher should be fired. Furthermore, that was a racist

In this country, we are supposed to be considered innocent until proven guilty. There may have been 60 women that came forward saying that he raped or drugged them, but my question is if that was the case, why come forward over 50 years later? I am not saying who is right or wrong, but even if it took a few years to

Did they catch the person speeding, or was it a hit and run?

I’m sorry, but at 17, this child knew right from wrong. He should stay in prison.

You’re kidding me, right? Teacher of the year?!

Quite honestly, I don’t care what color the teacher is, but she needs to get fired immediately! This is totally inappropriate!


And this is the problem. If this child did this to another child who was afraid of him, but went home to tell the parents, what do you think would happen? A meeting with the principal, guidance counselor, both children and the parents.

I’m with you, but the parents need to spank this kid. He’s out of control.

Is there documented proof of this?

I have a grandson and two nephews who are autistic, on different spectrums, and none of them have ever acted like that. Tourette’s has outbursts. I believe that this child wanted to be a bully, and the teacher took it to keep from getting charges against him for putting his hands on that kid.