Sharilynn McIntosh

Have the morals to shut it down, without fear of repercussions. There are adults that do this foolishness, and that’s where children get it from.

While it is true that all people of color have been the victims of racism, unfortunately African Americans still are largely viewed incorrectly by the media and groups that are less accepting of us. The Indians finally were respected and don’t have to pay taxes (and they shouldn’t, especially since they were killed

At the age of one, children are able to have a sense of right and wrong. These are teenagers who not only stole a vehicle, but murdered an innocent child. Apart from developing a relationship with God and asking for forgiveness, I don’t think that they should get life in prison. They should get the maximum

So would that solve the problem? Regardless of what they found in his system, he was murdered! A life snuffed out for what? Seriously?!

She is claiming sexism when the reality is that she is less than truthful.

Oh, wow! As many times as I heard that song (and I’m telling my age), I never knew that!

In that instance.

There are only two reasons for divorce outlined in the Bible, and that is adultery and abandonment. Now, of course, if someone is beating up on you, that could be grounds for divorce as well, unless some serious counseling is done, and reprocussions for the other spouse’s actions. Even adultery can be dealt with


She is a child at 14.

Or Tom the Ghost.

In a society that tells little boys that they shouldn’t cry, and to be a man, I’m not surprised that someone feels uncomfortable. God gave us emotions, all of them, including tears. He is deeply hurt because he lost his sister, and instead of being at home into his feelings, he decided to work it out on the

So the answer is to capture him and put him in jail for the rest of his life? I’m not necessarily for the death penalty, but for him to go out and kill that innocent man for no reason (other than his ex-girlfriend breaking up with him), is deranged. He needs consequences.

I’m sorry, but I’m not 100% convinced of that. Yes, while everyone who makes a “mistake” deserves a second chance and forgiveness, these kids in this age group, younger than even our children, are malicious and cruel, and yes, murderous. The girls are sometimes even worse than the guys. They are rude,

That’s repentance to God. Asking for forgiveness from those you offended is fine, but even if she never does it, we still need to forgive and move on. Some people never ask for it, but still needs it.

That’s a reference to Janet Jackson’s braids that she wore in a movie.

What in the world does Tom Brady have to do with Donald Trump? His wife (even though I’m definitely not a fan of hers) is Brazilian. He never endorsed him.

I can’t! Hollering!

I can count on one hand how many times I was spanked as a child, and I certainly deserved it. There is a difference between spanking, which by the way, is biblical, and beating a child. No parent is perfect, and I don’t believe that all parents, especially black parents, are trying to kill or maim their children.
