Not really. I grew up in one of the worst neighborhoods in Boston, which was a mixed black/latino housing project, and if you went through there today, there are nothing but millennials and college students. Looks nothing like it did in the 70's.
Not really. I grew up in one of the worst neighborhoods in Boston, which was a mixed black/latino housing project, and if you went through there today, there are nothing but millennials and college students. Looks nothing like it did in the 70's.
Really? I’m surprised to hear that. My son is in the military, and he is stationed in Colorado Springs. My husband and I, along with two of our children went to visit him and his family, and I found it to be nice and friendly. Maybe I didn’t spend enough time there to notice.
I am from Boston, born and raised, and while there are some aspects of the city that are certainly racist (i.e., South Boston in the 70's), it’s come a long way. I’m sure that there are more cities in the south that way more racist than Boston. It’s covert here, where it’s definitely more in your face in other…
Please don’t let me get started on that man! Clueless is right!
And it’ll start in the urban cities.
Not the way he’s displaying it.
There are plenty of people who love Jesus that don’t buy what he’s selling.
The father is dead, and the mother was homeless for a time. She attempted to regain custody before the child died.
How about you stay with your belief system, and we’ll stay with ours. God is very real, whether you believe in Him or not. If you’re breathing, that’s proof that God exists. If you don’t believe that, try gasping for air, and see if you believe in oxygen.
Praying for those who have wronged you is not a foreign notion. It’s written in the bible. Don’t shoot the messenger. Jesus said it.
I agree with you, with the exception of questioning whether the young man actually died.
There is nowhere in the Bible that describes Jesus Christ the Savior of the world as white. To be honest, it doesn’t matter what color He was on earth, because He died for everyone’s sins, yours, mine’s and everyone else’s. At the end of the day, we all bleed the color red, so no one has an excuse to be racist,…
Immigrants come to the United States, in search of a better way of life. They come from all types of backgrounds and colors. You don’t know what they go through in their countries. We are so blessed here, and take a lot for granted. That being said, African Americans, brought here on slave ships are NOT immigrants.…
Well then, I guess I would be in trouble, since I’m black and a Christian.
With no intended shade to Rachel, I can actually accept Elizabeth Warren’s claim to be Native American, because I have family with the same last name, and they are Native American.
That’s an insult to Christians (of which I happen to be one). I am not for the separation of the races. Our differences are what make us wonderful.
The dictionary states that the n-word is a derogatory term to describe any African American. The problem is that it has been turned into a term of endearment used by young people. This word has never been acceptable, no matter how it’s spelled. Period.
Hence the New World Order.
A lot!
Are you suggesting that this is all people of color do is complain and ask for handouts?