Sharilynn McIntosh

Please understand that I don’t condone the actions of these children, but to say that the police officer should have shot all of them is what’s wrong with this country. Now if that was your child, would you feel the same way? Parents need to gain more control over their children, and this wouldn’t happen if they put

If this were true, do you really think that Paulette Washington would stand for it? She doesn’t play!

What women producers are more powerful than Denzel? Shonda Rhimes is the only one I can think of off the top of my head.

I have never, ever heard of Denzel Washington cheating on his wife. He’s been married to the same woman for over 40 years.

Really? Was that necessary? If he couldn’t read, he most certainly wouldn’t have a college degree, now would he? Ignorant!

No, he didn’t. It wasn’t Warren Beatty’s fault. The card was put in the wrong envelope. Steve Harvey accidentally said the wrong winner.

Unfortunately, this is the generation that feels entitled to everything, and responsible for nothing. While Chris Brown could benefit from some older men teaching him that this behavior is completely unacceptable, ultimately, he needs to be held responsible for his actions. That is what an adult does.

I understand what you’re saying, but I went to 98% white schools, and I still identify with being an educated black woman. Most black people are biracial in one way, shape or form. I don’t have to announce that I am, you can see it.

Hollering! LOL! Can you dig it, sucka? I can’t!

I’m sorry, but I am from Boston, Massachusetts, and I am a Patriots fan, just like I am a Red Sox fan and a Celtics fan. I don’t watch hockey, but if I did, I would root for the Bruins. My loyalty for my home teams have nothing to do with race.

Can I suggest home schooling?


Pay no attention to the man behind the screen, lol!

Carlos Santana is one of the most amazing and talented musicians of all time, who actually PLAYS, and doesn’t use click tracks or overdubs beats. Not throwing shade, but the more modern music of today takes knowing how to use a computer, versus real talent. No hatred on the younger artists, but they could take a

So your idea of sacrifice is to whitewash America? Take everyone that is a person of color and send them out of the country?

How do we report you?

Yeah, right...

Lol! My grandson’s name is Aiden :)

Millions of people who believe in Jesus can’t be wrong...Santa Claus (St. Nicholas) originated out of England, I believe, but the idea is relived every year. Jesus isn’t a myth, fairy tale or nice idea.

I guess we’ll find out when we die, huh?