She told her husband that he whistled at her, and apparently he got some good old boys to go and kill him.
She told her husband that he whistled at her, and apparently he got some good old boys to go and kill him.
That’s the problem with society today. No manners. Please and thank you goes a long way. Back in the day, if a child acted up, the parents were notified, and they were dealt with appropriately. Now if a child acts up, parents go into defensive mode, and will defend their child, even if they’re wrong.
I agree with you. Littering is unacceptable, and people should care more about where they live. However, this generation of children coming up have no respect for anyone, much less their elders. They may try to act innocent in front of their parents, but then are as rebellious as all get out in public behind their…
I didn’t watch the video, but how would he have been annoying, since she was the one who went after him? I’m sure he was just documenting what she was saying and doing for proof to show the police.
If any of this story is true, she should have been arrested for assaulting a stranger, even if he is recognizable by being an actor. What gives her the right to attack him, just for minding his own business? She must have bumped her head and lost her mind.
I respectfully disagree, because love always conquers hate. That’s not just a pollyanic view of life, it’s in the bible.
And that’s why the Patriots are going to the Super Bowl...I know it’s the New England Patriots, but they represent 6 states, which includes Massachusetts, which Boston is the capitol. Sorry, just gloating over them, lol!
I am from Boston, and while I don’t like it for a number of reasons, this is home. Just because a few “hometown boys” made it in the movies, and are not liked by more than a few people doesn’t mean that Boston (or the people that live here) are bad.
Beautiful family! Now you must understand that in ancestry, a baby can look like a great, great grandparent. These girls are twins, and do look alike. As far as the parents, they could be African American or Latino, but it’s clear that someone on either side had a White relative somewhere in their family line. …
What about personal responsibility for taking the drugs? Yes, drug dealers should have consequences (not death), but the person who makes a decision to get high has consequences as well, which unfortunately can end in death if they continue to do it.
I fear absolutely no one but God, and that’s in reverence.
So I take it that he should have just accepted it, and not complained, like the African American waitress who didn’t get a tip, just because the patron decided to write on the bill “n*****s don’t get tips?”
White people are most certainly not at fault for all the world’s problems. As a whole, we all are. However, there are SOME, not all, people of every race, creed, color and nationality who contribute to the issues of the world.
Affirmative Action did happen, and then it was taken away under the guise of “reverse discrimination.”
As someone who has worked in corporate America for most of my life, holding reputable jobs, have supervised staff members, trained, sat on committees for change in the workforce, that is really racist for you to think that people like me, or anyone else who looks like me with a college education, are just begging from…
I’m sorry, but all black people are not NBA stars. Some of us actually work for a living. And we aren’t all on welfare, because of our many children. Some of us come from two parent families, and are married with children who are God fearing, law abiding citizens who serve their country in the military, like their…
That’s because Mormonism is a cult that has black people apologizing for being black because we’re allegedly cursed by God.
Ok, but since it’s being repealed, without a clear replacement that will work for all people, we will have folks without health insurance again, and penalized for something that isn’t their fault. That’s just great!
As an African American Christian woman, I find that insulting. All Christians don’t disagree with choice. One of the things that God gave the human race was free will, including choosing to serve Him or not. Just because I didn’t choose to have an abortion when I got pregnant, and was responsible enough to have my…
Actually, the scripture in Genesis 2 is a mandate to Adam and Eve to “be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth.” In the bible, when women did not have children immediately upon marrying, there were several reasons why given by God, but not being woman enough is definitely not one of them. That’s a self…