
I had no idea who he was or that he won Rookie of the year. I realized I know Cubs players and some guys on opposing teams we face that wreck dreams (Dodgers) but yeah, there's no baseball stars.

I wish they would just do an epic Flashpoint movie. Reset the universe. Undo the Snyderverse. Make Michael Keaton Thomas Wayne. Or Val Kilmer. Or Christian Bale. Or Clooney. Have fun with it but use it as a re-launch.

Harden plays awful basketball. It's not good for his team and it's terrible for the viewer. At least half the fouls he draws are not and should not be called as such. If the NBA called them properly they would be offensive fouls and his whole hacking of the game would be moot. It's lovely watching him fail.

Oh look..I can follow Gabe on...Twitter

Nah. The comics had epic arcs that carried over across properties and issues. The X films didn't get that. Dark Phoenix should have been building across 4 films and a Corsair and the Starjammers film a la Guardians of the Galaxy.

That kick was blocked anyway. Sheesh. Get a better line.

The only people who have that in that situation are hookers and drug dealers.

Here’s the thing: no one actually cares if their expectations aren’t met if they get something awesome that they didn’t expect.

Tbh the refs won that championship more than Love did

I struggle to see any reasonsble argument why this have job video deserves to be public. 

Don't go bringing facts into this. Anyone should be able to compete in women's athletics as long as they say they're a woman. 

Because 2019.

Most implants tell you you need to have them changed at 10 years and provide incentives and discounts to do so. Leaving them in for 15-20 years is just irresponsible.

Kathleen Kennedy needs to be fired and someone else needs to take over.

Wouldn’t be the Eastern Conference playoffs without Lowry choking and the Raptors making an embarrassing exit. Let's see if they can deliver

This is always the case. Sex trafficking the new scare tactic they use to arrest consensual prostitutes. Like drugs, if these people really cared about stopping it they'd legalize, regulate, and tax.

This continues to look extremely stupid.

What does he have to apologize for?

You quit at $5-10 million. Plenty to invest and live on the interest comfortably forever.

It’s not because a woman is in it. It’s because they’ll get a reaction. It’s about the reaction. When the media showers trolls with attention they grow.