
That isn’t why they’re doing it though.

It’s great that they purged the reviews, but they just invite it.

I was fine with the soda tax in Chicago until they applied it to diet soda and zero calorie drinks but not juice (which is just underestimated soda) and people full on revolted and now it’s gone.

They’re mad because Leia wasn’t a Mary Sue and they love Leia.

Brady's greatness is so boring to watch. That's why the hate. Those are all exciting personalities and players. Brady is like a boring, efficient robot. Yawn.

Imagine the excitement of it was Saints vs Chiefs.

You lost me at "in history".

He’s had this moment like fifteen times. So had R. Kelly, Cosby, Weinstein, Spacey...

The only problem with the Brady roughing the passer call was that they didn’t call it the same way on Mahomes.

All I can say is that one time in 2016 I was in a box at a Blackhawks game and a bunch of older dudes were talking about and showing off pictures hanging out with Trump over the years and they loved the dude. Just thought he was the coolest guy and said that the image we see ain’t it.

Maybe DC should release it on a service people actually have...

Travis Scott is gonna take a knee at the Super Bowl. Mark my words. It's gonna be this year's Janet Jackson. 

Kyrie is a cancer.

I think Pike is coming from the Enterprise. He’s replaced by Kirk and sent to the Discovery.

Why is Thibs incapable of playing his starters reasonable minutes? 

Disney Star Wars in a nutshell.

I mean, go figure, people want fun smart movies that get beloved characters right? That’s shocking.

17 is legal in a lot of places. It's not an awesome thing for anyone to blur this line, but there are gray areas and then there's R. Kelly. R. Kelly is disgusting.

Two comments.

Wonder Woman had a terrible third act.