
Yeah but those RPGs are so boring. The message isn’t but that turn based menu based fight system style is tedious and lame. It’s so baffling that Zelda stands pretty much alone as the the one RPG where you actually do a thing and fight things instead of just wander around and trigger menus.

I stan Johnny Depp for two reasons. First, I worked on set of the NBC show Playboy Club and if you talk to anyone who did they will tell you that Heard was a nightmare. A toxic, toxic force on set. When she hooked up with Johnny Depp shortly after marrying (not legally) her girlfriend who she was inseparable with on

He got the deal because it was pretty clear that there wasn’t a whole lot of veracity to the claims. He lost the deal due to mounting pressure from the media. The weird thing is that public opinion doesn’t really seem to match up especially after many of us listened to them fight in leaked audio/video and came to our

Just curious if you’ve listened to the audio files and other things that have been released where you can be in the room with their fights. If you haven’t, you should and then I would be curious if you still hold this opinion.

It’s just super weird that anyone could listen to the tapes and other things released and conclude anything other than it was Johnny Depp who was set up here. Maybe he ain’t a victim. That’s too far but he ain’t the devil and she certainly wasn’t a victim either.

It may have been Whedon it may also have been the studio that pressured it too. Studios have been known to be absolutely awful about that shit too.

Most of these statements are of the “guys please leave me out of it” variety.

Did he or anyone really speak up though? Most said they support her and are horrified to hear about this but none of them corroborated it or said they had similar experiences as far as I’ve seen.

The way the news covers this stuff is weird. Seems like most of the Buffy cast said things that were basically like some version of “I support her.” followed by “I didn’t see that/It could be a tough set/That wasn’t my experience” and the news covers that as if David Boreanaz or Sarah Michelle Gellar or anyone

Why would you get that stuff in your feed unless you decided to follow it?

To their presumed relief, the reins have been passed back to J.J. Abrams, who made the first movie of the new trilogy, The Force Awakens

Unearned fan service is very different than earned fan service.

Yes, well, Rian Johnson’s solution of changing every character and making them behave wildly unlike themselves and basically making the biggest middle finger to Star Wars that was possible sirs of disqualifies his opinion forever. The dude is a regressive troll.

These are Ayn Rand obsessed nutbags begging for a director’s cut of the third film in a tRiLoGy that was so bad that the first movie to ever feature Batman and Superman barely made enough money to be qualified as a hit. Then they inexplicably doubled down on that universe and he managed to fuck things up so bad that

JJ is going to remake Return of the Jedi and jam pack it full of stupid fan service nostalgia because there’s nothing else he can really do.

It’s impossible to think Johnson was expanding anything.

Attack of the Clones is the worst film in a technical sense (dialogue, CG, acting, plot are all horrifically bad) but you can just skip it or kinda ignore it and it doesn’t ruin other films.

It’s really simple.

Expect more of this. First Rian got the gentle axe and clearly isn’t really allowed to talk about his trilogy anymore now these guys.

One time I went to a wedding in the middle of nowhere in Iowa on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. First off, fuck that. Don’t kill my 3 day weekend.