
Artemis Fowl is going to be so terrible.

No consumer of UFC fighting gives a rat’s ass about whether anyone is using performance enhancing drugs. Just allow that shit and be done.

The Last Jedi was bigoted and awful. It turned powerful female characters into awful, aggressively boneheaded military leaders. It preached authoritarianism as well. It’s version of the resistance is awful.

Fresh, bold?

Men In Black was a decent concept for one film. The sequel was trash. The third film was a really weird anomaly that was a pretty bad start saved by a very clever and heartbreaking ending. That was more than enough. This just feels...uncalled for.

You don’t need you know about Palpatine because nothing came before him.

Holy shit. Is that why Disney has basically turned Jedi from being a religion to being just kind of superpowered?! Because China would absolutely ban a film that promoted a religion like the Jedi were in the OT.

Star Wars passed away one year ago.

RIP Star Wars. Can’t believe it’s been a year since Rian Johnson murdered Star Wars and then defiled the body before laughing at anyone who pointed out what a fucking disaster of a film he’d made and calling them a Russian troll. Disney can f#@£ right off with Episode IX after allowing that.

Feels like how I feel about most Lin Manuel stuff that isn’t Hamilton. Moana was ok, but something was missing (music). I’m thinking this may have the same issue.

Really hoping this and Aquaman are huge hits and are as good as the reviews suggest and serve as backdoor re-launches of Transformers and the DCEU. Hoping Michael Bay stays away forever and doesn’t pull a Bryan Singer and see how well someone else did with the property he shit all over and steal it back and make

It’s Disney Star Wars. Outside of bits of Rebels and Rogue One they have been reliably terrible. This is no exception.

Stop trying to make the First Order happen. It’s not gonna work.

Exactly. What Hunt did was not domestic violence, nor was it brutal.

It’s weird that smart people didn’t see this coming when they decided to promote the idea that accusations were all to be immediately taken as truth when coming from a woman.

It’s too bad that Daredevil couldn’t survive, but I get it.

It’s really short sighted of Disney. There’s only so much family content that can be consumed. And, frankly, who isn’t at their limit on streaming subscriptions? Disney should just make a NetFlix competitor with all their content in one single place. Have a kids section and a family section. Easy. That’s what

“Over the course of her 10 year affair...”

Expected this to be one of those articles where the author is grasping at straws to grind an imaginary #MeToo axe and was not disappointed.

Also hating in another woman because you’re jealous of her boobs. Sheesh.