
Yawn. There’s hundreds of millions of Star Wars fans. If even .001% of fans decide to harass someone online that’s 100,000 people attacking someone. And usually a large chunk of that is trolls from 4-chan just doing it because they want to watch the world burn, not because they really care.

I believe the author of this op-ed is white and full of privilege, because this essay epitomizes everything that is wrong with our current administration and government.”

I feel bad for Snyder fans.

The Daily Caller is a Nazi site and it championed the cause and was cited as the reason for his firing. Conservative activists was a really nice way to put it.

I mean, I voted for Trump and was raised in a Reagan loving household by parents who grew up playing with Nixon’s kids.

There were actually news stories about it before the first one and the second one came out. When this first broke I thought...oh, this is coming up again? Thing is, this time it was angry conservatives and they make A LOT of noise.

Conservative activists? It was Nazis. The Daily Caller is a Nazi website. Nazis.

Love me some Dave Bautista. Disney can jump off a bridge. They fired Gunn because a LITERAL NAZI website told them too. Think about that. The Daily Caller got Disney to fire a director over an issue of morals.

Why are you covering the Daily Caller?

Oh Disney.

Just like Solo. Disney let Lucasfilm make a ridiculous mean and cynical Star Wars movie that needlessly shit all over the series. They lost hundreds of millions in box office on that. Then they fired the really innovative directors they’d hired to direct the Solo movie. The Solo movie was a dumb idea, but they were

The phone incident? Police report states that the police didn’t see any marks on her. She shared photos that didn’t match what the police saw. I’m not saying Johnny Depp is a saint, but, having worked with her, there’s two sides to that story and I’m inclined to believe that she’s culpable. Her reputation from the set

I will do the same thing I did for Solo for this movie: not see it in theaters. I boycotted Solo after how utterly garbage and needlessly mean The Last Jedi was. I will simply not see this movie in theaters if James Gunn isn’t directing over this. Hopefully, many more people who are sick of shit like this will sit out

I think if i09 had one article on this it might be interesting. After like 25 posts it sure seems like they know this would get clicks and are fanning the flames on some bullshit.

Everyone left Twitter 5 years ago. President Trump saved them. They were irrelevant.

Ding ding ding.

The first season wasn’t racially insensitive. The only way to see it that was is if you are a racist.

Is there anyone that doesn’t hope that Venom tanks so hard that Sony decides to sell the rights to Spider-man back to Marvel? A billion? $2 billion? Marvel gets all its IP back.

Luke didn’t travel the galaxy looking for Force Sensitive children and they didn’t all turn to the dark side. Where did that happen? In a movie? On screen? In dialogue? In a book? In your head?

The problem was that none of that was in the film. Nowhere did we see Luke’s damaging influence. We are given only the flimsiest of reasons and if you go by what’s there versus making up headcanon, Luke just quit for no reason.