
The problem was that none of that was in the film. On screen, Luke just quit for no reason. Maybe it’s in the books or you’re just supposed to infer that he quit for noble reasons, but simply based on the movies: he quit for no reason and abandoned his family and friends.

This series was better than any of the Abrams movies. By a long shot.

Hahaha Cobra Kai is a template for how to revisit characters. The Last Jedi is a masterclass in bad writing and how to ruin not just a movie or a character, but a series. Luke Skywalker wasn’t in The Last Jedi.

The movie was trash.

Killing Luke would not have been a problem if they’d given him a meaningful death like Han’s. Instead they KILLED Luke. They bastardized the character and killed everything about him that anyone liked. Made him a completely different and contemptible character and then gave him a meaningless death after doing nothing

I was kind of looking forward to this...Jamie Foxx? Dude can’t act. He’s so blatantly wrong for this role it’s incredible.

Pretty hard to fix Luke, but JJ could retcon a bunch of the dumb shit in TLJ.

I know at least 10 people that didn’t see the film in theaters because they were so appalled by The Last Jedi. What’s funny is that no matter how high the evidence piles that The Last Jedi wasn’t just a bad movie, but was really offensive to a lot of Star Wars fans Disney and columnists like you continue to suggest

Cobra Kai, the Karate Kid update, did a better job with their old characters struggling with their past and interfacing with new, young characters. It was fantastic. Mind blowingly so because I didn’t think I would care. I just heard reviews were terrific.

I’m a film critic and I didn’t like Star Wars, but The Last Jedi is the best one.

Isn’t the issue that UFC is being cheap as shit? He’s literally their only star.

Why do the X films always have to have characters wearing these garbage military black costumes. Just fucking dothe actual costumes.

For the love of god what is it like to get up in the morning and waste your time focusing on calling out meaningless bullshit minutia like this? Seriously asking...

Guarantee he’s on anti depressants or mood stabilizers and did the thing where he stopped taking them cold turkey. Looks exactly like shit my ex used to do all the time pulling herself off of them randomly.

Now if only the government could actually manage to prosecute someone who committed a financial crime that has far reaching disastrous results. Wells Fargo, Experian, Bank of America...literally anyone. Yeah, great, Shkreli is an asshole, but who cares. His investors didn’t even lose money.

That’s actually pretty accurate. The movie was pretty boring in spite of all that right up until the batshit ending. If they can capture that in this film, they might be onto something, but (unlike Idris Elba who lights up the screen whenever he’s on it) Boyega sucks the life out of every scene he has in the new

Donald Glover is always Donald Glover. Him as Lando is the number 2 worst part after the director change. Overall though, none of this changes the fact that this isn’t a story that anyone really wanted. Will be interesting to see if this can find a way to give a bigger fuck you to the originals and fans than The Last

Is it stressful to wake up in the morning and gave to go around looking for places to feel butt hurt about things like this?

Good. Erase the entire Snyderverse from existence.

Punishment for what?