
I want characters. To love, to hate. I want no now if this bullshit suspension shit that makes no sense. Basically all the shit the NFL admins fucked up. Itwould be great if when a receiver clearly caught a pass that it was a catch. If the ball doesn’t hit the ground and you end up holding it when all is said and

It’s insanely impressive how Lin Manuel took the most hard-line conservative dude ever and made him into a liberal icon by adding rap music.

MTV didn’t play videos in 2004. Good Lord.

Pales in comparison to Michael Jackson’s which was the actual best.

What qualifies as “the ending”? Are we defining that to be “everything after the opening credits”? If so, yeah, the ending was terrible.

I guess this is a good deal for Smith, but I figured he’d try to go somewhere to win a Super Bowl.

Ugh. That’s no way to do this justice in 2 hours.

Oh my fucking god who fucking cares.

MSU situation was sick, but the only place for rape and sexual assault cases to be dealt with is....

Here’s what needs explaining: why wasn’t it Leia or Ackbar who did it?

Chicago isn’t cheap.

That first season of LoT was fun as hell. It was straight up retarded, but without the pretense of Arrow or the repetitive plots and overcrowded speedster heavy cast of Flash. I haven’t caught season 3, but it’s my favorite of the CW shows.

Vomit. I almost feel bad for the NFL. Literally the worst Super Bowl possible from the crop of teams that started the playoffs. Literally no one wants to see Brady, Kraft, or Bellicek handed another Super Bowl after waltzing through their pathetic conference and even fewer people want to watch Nick Foles go for it.

This new series isn’t really about providing meaningful context for any of the things that happen. Why is the rebellion still rebelling and why has nothing changed after winning 40 years ago and the entire universe celebrating in the credits of RORJ SE? Because it’s a Star Wars movie and Star Wars movie are aboutthe

No way! Rian Johnson would have killed them? That’s basically his only storytelling move.

It’s all in how you handle it.

No one wants this movie, but the idea that TLJ gracefully passed the torch or did anything to celebrate by completely ruining Luke Skywalker as a hero and failing to give Leia a proper send off is a joke.

What he said doesn’treally make a ton of sense.

Handled what situation?

It’s the best Potterverse film. All the Harry Potter films suffer, to varying degrees, because the books are better. The movies try to jam too much in and leave stuff out.