
Love that Singer is finally getting removed from X properties, not for being a hack who has made shit his entire career except for X2 and Usual Suspects, but for getting busted being a sexual predator a second time. This all came out a few years ago and Fox shrugged and happy letting him shit all over X-Men universe

Nope, never.

The NBA has the refs help in games 4,5,6...

Rogue One is the 3rd best Star Wars movie and the best thing they’ve made outside the original trilogy. TFA did what it had to do in setting the table so you forgot the terrible prequels and actually wanted to see more Star Wars. The Last Jedi made you hate Star Wars and hate that you bought back into this. It was

But about failing in smart and fun ways so that on Episode 9 they can go out with a bang? How about not forever ruining the most iconic Star Wars character by turning his entire life into a failure. Leia’s too. And Han’s. Basically all fucking failures. Thanks Disney. Growing up means you’ll be a failure

He literally doesn’t. He hasn’t taught Rey a damn thing. Maybe she doesn’t need to learn anything from anyone, but this was a colossal waste of a character who deserved better and it left them with basically nothing going forward.

Well, he certainly did his own thingy that didn’t fit well into Star Wars at all and managed to forced ruin, without hope of redemption, the hero of the original series. So kudos to Rian for making Luke Skywalker into a huge failure who never accomplished anything!

This movie fucking sucked.

Wait...all Luke did in this universe is fail. Fail to defeat the emperor, fail to train new Jedis, fail to get over it, fail to do anything to bring balance to the Force. Luke is a total failure. This makes 4,5,6 stupid in retrospect.

The first book is amazing. Book two is fun too. Book three...he clearly wrote himself into a corner and had no ending.

Let me paint a different picture of Amber Heard groom the set of a TV show when she was married to a woman. Amber Heard is a huge fucking, awful bitch. She’s a diva to work with, she’s a liar, she’s crazy manipulative, and super codependent.

Why would a picture that is clearly a spoiler be the main image for this post that people will have to scroll past?

The first two movies are the best superhero movies of all time. The third is a disaster in comparison, but compared to Man of Steel and Batman Vs. Superman and Justice League and Suicide Squad it’s Citizen Kane.

I have dated a lot of beautiful women who were models and Playmates and two things strike me about men like both of these.

It’s anyone actually going to go to this? In France which might as well be considered a Middle Eastern nation now simply because it seems to be a terrorist attack magnet? I feel like this Olympics is going to be such a huge target for Islamic terror.

Wisconsin is literally the only undefeated team in the hunt. They should already be in the top 4. If they beat Ohio State they should be rolling in at #1.

It doesn’t matter because this universe is senseless and will likely be ret conned or started over. Hopefully started over from scratch as if the Snyderverse was a bad, bad dream.

Interesting? BvsS was interesting like an 18 car pileup is interesting. They haven’t made superhero movies that bad since the 90s. Suicide Squad was just awful. Less offensive because the characters are less iconic, but they couldn’t even get Harley Quinn to consistently do her accent.

Pretty much everyone who is hoping for a good DC universe is rooting for Justice League to bomb so that DC resets and abandons the Snyderverse. Man of Steel 2 is something no one is excited for with the current creative team who doesn’t seem to have even a basic understanding of who these characters are.

See: Deadpool.