
I prefer the whip it out method of conflict resolution. Biggest one wins. Our company even has a conference table with ruler marks for close calls.

You're extrapolations are insane. Get over yourself.

What was the fucking rationale for the location of this Super Bow? It has sounded moronic since the moment it was announced.

Liam Neeson is Emma Thompson's brother. Not some lady he randomly calls. It's quite clearly explained. I stopped reading there. This movie is the shit.

because at some point we either go to war with China or America the #1 and all the benefits that we get because off that go bye bye.

I was a MS Natural for life. Then I got a Surface Touch keyboard as a gift and nearly all of my RSI pains from typing went away. It had a learning curve, but I fly on the thing and the new Touch 2 is even better.

Microsoft Surface Touch 2.

I think it was Jason Statham.

Back when baseball was pure and not tainted abd guys set all the respected records weren't they using like...amphetamines to play better and other now questionable methods? All this PED stuff is bullshit. Who cares? Let athletes take whatever.

Google offers better features and interface, but Facebook has people and relative consistency. Android changes icons and designs every five minutes. Gmail does too. Apps change names to dumbed down names (Hangouts, Play Store). Apps that worked extremely well (Navigation) get updates with unusable UIs that

The N word with as not er.

he's gotta pay taxes on his winnings.

Jesus Christ no one wants to listen to a fucking podcast ever...guess I'll never know

So what were they doing wrong? For the layman...

I stopped watching a few weeks ago. The cast is horrible. The nerdy scientists are basically what mainstream TV executives pictures scientists as. I get that we're not going to get great depictions on an ABC show, but previous Joss Whedon shows (Dollhouse, Buffy, Angel) had far more believable people as hackers,

You win.

I live in the Chicago burbs. I have Verizon LTE and girlfriend has AT&T LTE and there is no contest. Roommate has T-Mobile. LOL there. It's not even close. Dude's internet is slower and about as reliable as a 56K connection. AT&T and Verizon are basically the same price so it's really just preference on who you're

I agree with you. I am pissed at Verizon.

Google has been very, very heavy handed on what it forces on it's alliance. To get Google Apps it's alliance members agree to a whole host of things. There's a great article on Ars about the "open source" nature of Android and where it begins and is starting to end. Google needs to push harder and faster to get more

I mean, bunches of Olympic runners have run in completely bare feet. I don't think it's beyond the pale to see someone running it in Five Fingers. I have several friends who marathon in them and do quite well. I think it will come.