
Oh, I don't expect it. Not at all. I'm not stupid. I've been doing this dance with like 6 Android phones over the years. But, to me, that's on Google. I understand all the reasons why I can't get updates in a reasonable timeline, but I don't fucking care. It was an understandable quirk that the OS couldn't update in

No Verizon, No SD card/64gb option, no thanks.

The speed limit on every major interstate highway in every major city in America should be 85 mph. On some of the near abandoned stretches of road between NY and CA it should be easily 100. If this guy averaged 98mph...who cares.Street racing in a downtown area of a town or city is nuts. This is fun.

Thursday Night Football is the worst invention ever.

I'm cool with dumb crap getting them in trouble, but this kid isn't a sex offender. Even threatening someone in this situation with that is silly.

I just don't think the guy is national enemy #1. This was a really dumb thing to do, but now that it's been done...what?

If you love them, you love them. I think a lot of people would be really well served to try barefoot and try it right with a slow switch.

That's total bullshit. I've done work on the backend doing research for one of the bigger shoe manufacturers. They all made up a bunch of bullshit about athletic shoes 50 years ago and kept on selling that bullshit to the public. It wasn't really malicious, but all their "shoe technology" was just based on guesses.

I hear you. I had shin splints, "bad" knees, stress fractures. The stress fractures (supposedly from not replacing my running shoes soon enough) never healed right. Then I had two knee surgeries. They shoved stem cells in there. Running was out.

Wear barefoot shoes. Start with Nike Free to slowly wean yourself off of the shoes with giant soles and ridiculous arch support (which you don't need), then switch to Five Fingers. Regular "comfortable" running shoes cause you to strike the ground with your heel transferring all the force of the landing into your

Romo is a great QB. He needs a line, a RB, and a defense do he doesn't get the shit beat out of him as he tries to score 679 points a game so that the Cowboys have a shot.

Oh, yeah, cuz it matters to anything whether that rock is where it started or where it ended up..

I know how the system works, but the system is stupid. You can sit there an be like, "well, we have no choice the system" or a bunch of thinking adults can say, "hey wait a minute, we've developed a really dumb system, let's change it."

It's too bad IT locks down Google add ons like this. It's amazing how horrible it is to lose Outlook because your cheap ass company switches completely to Google Apps. The number of missing features in Gmail is staggering. This would be cool.

Then you find another job and watch them shit themselves because they're deadlines are insane and no one can do what you do.

Public urination is a big problem. You're right.

I just want to put out a statement that my heart goes out to the Peterson family.

I used to go up to a group of cheerleaders talking in the hall and fall on my back and slide into the middle of their circle. No grabbing, just "clumsiness". Great view.

Christ almighty. If you're the school administrators and police, you give the kid detention for a month and maybe...maybe...a ride in a cop car and then laugh about how kids are kids after you let him go. Sec offender registry?

You know, I believe every one of these allegations. I also believe all of the allegations against A-Rod.