
So that's at least three major college games decided by horrible referees in the last four weeks? What a joke.

Facebook Home might actually be more useless than Twitter. I use Twitter and I still really don't understand it. It's horrid for conversation and really just about yelling a small, barely readable message. Just awful.

This is how I feel every time I go to New York City and walk into anyone's apartment.

I played football. I love football. My kid will play football over my dead body.

This guy needs help. After knowing someone who was mentally ill and did stuff like dunno. It's just sad and there is no good solution.

i'm dying for that day to come.

The Blackberry Storm is the best alarm clock I've ever owned. It's been without cell service for years, but it's never leaving my nightstand.

HR is the worst. Utterly most useless department in any corporation. I don't know what they do for either the employee or the parent company.

Boo hoo. I'm sure Gawker has no money and will just steal.

I think you got every single one of these dead wrong.

Baseball hasn't been interesting since Mark and Sammy were chasing home run records.

This is the one series where I really hope they rewrite the ending and do something honest to the character of Katniss. Catching Fire was a fantastic book, but knowing it's followed by Mockingjay will just ruin it.

He did create Buffy and wrote the Buffy was original...

Goyer and Snyder and Christopher Nolan are people with ZERO respect for the source material or comics in general. Christopher Nolan has overseen two good movies and two garbage movies and Snyder has never made a really great movie. This is what you get when you don't love the source.

This is really exciting. Snyder NAILED the character with Man of Steel. His ability to capture real human emotions and build characters bodes well for one of the best graphic novels of all time.

Anyone know where to get the old Navigation app back? New maps won't let you search for a destination in the app. You have to know the exact address and even then most times it won't even go into navigation. Who at Google tests this stuff? Anyone?

Do any of these let you embed a text document on your desktop or some kind of notepad type thing? Maybe synced to a Google or Dropbox doc?

Of all the NFL bad guys, I actually kind of feel bad for this dude. Kind of. I think killing your best friend by accident had gotta be an awful thing to deal with. He deserves punishment, but...I feel for him.

There's only enormously compelling information that Tyson likely got screwed and railroaded for that crime. The woman's story has more holes than a Jezebel opinion piece.

Best thing ever. Except his roast of Bob Saget which was even better.