
You can't be sure that you aren't going to be killed for something as silly as an iPod or shoes or $15. It sucks that the guy died, but that's why you don't rob people. You might get an unpredictable result.

I'm confused. She admitted to using the word in the 60s and shit, right?

That's because Lebron is the dullest superstar in the history of any professional sport and any attempt to change that on the pay off any of the various marketing teams selling him to the public just falls flat on its face.

Chronicles of Riddick was way underrated. It was a fun as hell sci-fi action flick.

If I was a superhero my pants would be ridiculously tight. Just saying. You would see all of my bulge.

Man of Steel looks awful. The voice overs on the trailers are tonally ridiculous. The bits with the Kents and Lois Lane searching for Clark on a fishing boat are stupid.

The Heat's road to a second championship with Lebron has been a breeze. This has been a horrid playoffs. Kobe never had it this easy. Neither did Jordan.

Ahh, it's this generation's Yellow Submarine. And since Yellow Submarine was terrible, that's why Adventure Time is it.

Bryan Singer has made one terrific movie and one ok movie (Usual Suspects, X2). The rest of his films have been complete garbage. Let Joss have Quicksilver.

Hulk seems great in the trailers. Hawkeye is still a moronic character. I've never really had much appreciation for him. Green Arrow has some grit, but Hawkeye is just dumb.

Not a laugh in the trailer. #screaminglyfunny?

I'm a guy who wore Abercrombie all through high school. I am now 30. I wear the same clothes size I wore in high school. Am the same height (6'7"), a few pounds heavier, but not as muscle-y as I was. I am still very thin and jock-ish.

Man of Steel will be terrible. The trailers are super pretentious and Snyder has yet to direct a really good film. Dark Knight Rises was a major letdown with an incoherent plot, stupid inauthentic characters, and changes for the sake of changes that just needlessly dumbed down the Batman mythos. (Robin's first name

I guess all the people who's jobs it will be to build the giant dinosaur and all its parts don't count as jobs created....

Ads and page views? They will promise, say, Mercedes 300,000 views of their ads and pagination helps them do this.

I just meant that the trailer didn't show anything.

Is this show somehow worth watching? I remember trying really hard with the first season, but it was just absolute crap. Bottom of the barrel stuff. Perfectly fitting with the second trilogy, but paling in comparison to stuff like Young Justice.

BRAD PITT IN ZOMBIE MOVIE WITH NO ZOMBIES seems like a much more apt title.

So Starfleet is a military operation and Kirk is it's gung-ho and erstwhile general in training?

Really? The best suggestion is for the DVD ending of I AM LEGEND? How about the book ending that makes the title make perfect sense. Otherwise, you might as well just call the movie APOCALYPTIC VAMPIRE MOVIE because the poignant part of the novel is completely lost without the correct ending. What's the lesson with