
I don't really know where I stand on "God" sometimes, but there's literally nothing that can prove or disprove the existence of God. Arguably, "God" could be guiding the doctors developing this cure. Or could be creating the disease in the first place. Or could be off having a smoke at some God-cafe and have

For a laptop at this point it's embarrassing to be selling a laptop without a full HD screen. Laptop screens haven't effectively evolved for like 10 years. It's pathetic. If the Nexus 10 can cost less than $400 and sport a double HD screen then any PC can and should have at least 1080p at this point.

Yeah, there's never been any evidence that NFL players wouldn't just jump for joy to have a gay player in their locker room. I mean, I can't even remember one 49ers player during Super Bowl week saying anything that might suggest that a gay player might not be met with instant acceptance in the locker room. Oh wait...