
Yeah this movie is just a 2 hour Boomer circle jerk.

similarly, my experience of this movie went from good to great when I realised that it was never going to go back to the start and tie up all those loose ends. it just lets Connie’s night spin out and out of control and the moment you realise it’s the entire movie is just an “oh, fuck, here we go” moment

What I love about this film is that it takes a while to realise what a horrible piece of work Connie is. He’s so charming, in a down-on-his-luck scumbag sort of way, that you don’t realise that he genuinely is a monster. He’s not wantonly cruel, especially, just almost completely without empathy.

He looks like a fucking toddler about to cry.  The most fucking pathetic individual to ever hold the office.

The best thing about this is that it will eat away at him way, way, way more than things like “credibly accused of being a Russian asset” or “revealed almost daily, often by his own idiotic admission, to have participated in criminal activity.”

Crowd seeing veterans: Yaaaay!
Crowd seeing Trump: Boooo-
Producer: “Cut back to the fucking vets!”
Crowd seeing veterans: -ooo... Yaaaay!

They were clearly saying boo-urns.

God, I hope that "lock him up" chant burned its way into his insecure little facsimile of a soul and we get a torrent of rage tweets about it tomorrow. HOOK IT TO MY VEINS!

The “Veterans for Impeachment” signs behind home plate at the top of the fifth was also a nice touch.

The vindication of Washington sports fans.


Say what you will about the music, but Billy Joel is a fucking genius. He hasn’t released an album since 1993, so he has no embarrassing late career stuff for people to hate (I’m ignoring the weird classical album, which is still nearly 20 years old). He plays approximately 10 shows a year, all a designated drive from

(Seriously, though, J.G.’s right, never change)

Young Frankenstein

Young Frankenstein

It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.  It’s a classic and we watch it every year.

It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.  It’s a classic and we watch it every year.

Addams Family Values

Addams Family Values

In St. Louis: yes.  It’s better than when I lived there in 2002 when every kid was wearing a band aid on his face. 

They were also cheating because the running back is 33 years old and also Marshawn Lynch.

I honestly don’t know how I feel about this.